“Perico is an absolute crack”

A few years ago I met Perico Herraiz (@pericoherraiz), one of the great opportunities in the form of a great person that life has offered me. It was thanks to Desafío + . Today, perhaps because instagram allows me to have him very present, I want to tell you a little about him. Of course, I’m going to do it by sharing with all of you the first time I heard him, because it’s recorded (Desafio +). So, if you feel like it, you can also have a look at the Desafío + website.

Perico, as well as being a crack, as Mikel Alvira (@mikelalvira) introduces him, is an optimistic, brave, active and action-oriented person, generous, with a critical spirit, empathetic, who is changing the world with young people, who believes in people, who accepts himself as he is, and who is a natural born helper.

He is an expert in international cooperation, who travels to India and Morocco over the years with groups of young volunteers to help others. He also coordinates a social leadership programme in Zaragoza (where he lives), aimed at children and young people between the ages of 10 and 19 who are in vulnerable situations. Always looking for change for the better, of course.

I invite you to listen, at least from minute 12:30 to 45:05. You will discover ‘this crack’.

Thank you, Perico, it was great to meet you!

In a couple of weeks, I’ll be back with another entrepreneur or entrepreneurial project.

“Hacia el sur” (English version) (Southward)

The person I introduce you today is special for many aspects. Many of them are related to entrepreneurship and her powerful professionalism, but there are many others that, without being typical of an entrepreneur and without any doubt, are part of her added value. Her name is Ro Venegas and she is the CEO, image, soul and smile of Hacia el Sur (southwards), her dream project.

If you are interested in getting to know a person who defines herself as cheerful, social, extroverted, but serious and hard-working, and whose objectives include personal and professional growth by working with creative people who are capable of building things out of nothing to make people’s lives more entertaining, you just have to keep reading. (more…)

Generación docentes: in favor of teacherpreneurs

Some posts ago I told you about one of the gifts I received during the pandemic (well, just before that, in February 2020) which was being able to participate on the 4th pedagogical expedition organized by FPdGi (Princesa de Girona Foundation). Today, I want to talk to you about one of their key program whose goal is to help develop teachers’ talents as transforming and innovating agents. In other words, help them be ready to respond to educational challenges of the actual and future society. Its name: Generación docentes (generation of teachers).


I am back

You cannot imagine how much I missed sharing this space with you! I know it took me more time to come back compared to years before (one month, approximately), but I’ve told you many times that this space is a gift for me and that’s how I took it this time. From now on, I hope to be here every two weeks with news about E.P. and entrepreneurial initiatives of any kind, because I assure you there are a ton.
