Last April 17, 2024 was a special day, a very special day, for me. I will tell you why, but first of all, let me start by expressing my gratitude.
I want to thank my colleague and great partner at the University of Deusto (UD), specifically Deusto Campus Cultura, Inhar Gonzalez Gutierrez. Inhar is in charge of cultural projects at the UD and coordinates the extracurricular training programs related to the different artistic disciplines and the initiatives of university cultural dynamization. Today, thanks to him and to an offer he made me a few months ago, begins a very important exhibition for me in one of the cloisters of the UD, my university. What a luxury and what a pleasure it is to work with Inhar, an example of creativity, good work, ideas and action. I hope it will be the first but not the last time.
Inhar discovered already “a while ago” my little works (Made With Loved Wood wlw_madewithlovedwood on instagram), which since last April 17 are exposed in the cloister of the UD. For me it is an honor, a pride and a great compliment.
As some of you know, I have been doing something for me for a couple of years, because I needed it and because “it was time”. “Of course”, I do it during the weekends (I couldn’t turn my life upside down either). One of my goals was to finally start taking care of myself and, by the way, to take care of the environment. That is how wlw_madewithlovedwood began.

If I have to say what this project consists of, I summarize it as a FICHA (token), composed of the basic elements Strength (Fuerza in Spanish), Innovation, Creativity, Ability (Habilidad in Spanish) and Learning (Aprendizaje in Spanish), and driven by Attitude. It is a personal project that materializes in the “RETO6R” (Challenge) that, besides putting into practice the coordinates of Sustainability (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle), leads me to Start (Emprender in Spanish) a beautiful path, Transform myself and do it through some of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS in Spanish), obviously, Respecting Nature, Rescuing, Collecting (Recoger in Spanish) and Reusing the materials I use, while it brings me a little Relax. Best of all, this is giving me a great personal Rediscovery. But, it is hard, of course it is hard for me.
FICHA(Strenght-Fuerza, Innovation, Creativity, Ability-Habilidad y Learning-Aprendizaje)xA(Attitude)=RETO-Challenge(Reuse, Reduce y Recicle), Start-Emprender, Transform, SDG-ODS6Respect Nature, Rescue, Collect-Recoger, Reuse, Relax, Rediscovery
For a couple of months I’ve been a bit stopped, because my body doesn’t let me do what I would like, but I’m happy to share with all of you this great little project that I hope you like it (let me know if you want to). If you can stop by the UD, great, if not, I leave you a link where you can see the “pieces”.
The exhibition will be on until April 3rd and if at any time you would like us to share it, I am at your disposal.
Thank you in advance for your time.