Some news

I would like to show you how I spend my leisure time when my body allows me to do so.


On the 30th and 31st of January, a conference on “Institutionalisation of Service-Learning at the University. Some lights and shadows” was held at the University of Deusto, Bilbao.

Here you have my summary using visual thinking.

I am delighted to be one of the 50 women in the Somos mas de 50 project. Discover the women who are part of this project from its founder MªJesús Pérez Ladrón.

Arantza Arruti

Today (9/12/2020), I have been playing about leadership and entrepreneurship with students from the degree of Tourism from the University of Deusto who had different sessions on this interesting topic. I created a game using genially. I hope you like it.

Guía Dinámica de Ayudas e Incentivos para empresas (An Aid and Incentives Dynamic Guide)

HelpThe Ministry of Industry presents the Guía Dinámica de Ayudas e Incentivos para empresas (An Aid and Incentives Dynamic Guide). This Guide is being constantly updated and contains information about aids and incentives directed to entrepreneurs without a deadline. This Guide covers all aids and incentives to start a new business and generate employment. The different aids that appear in this Guide have been published by the Central Government, Regional Governments, Local Authorities and other public bodies.

For more information:

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