Together with PESS

First of all, happy new year to all of you who are taking the time to read this post today. I hope it will be a year full of joys and interesting projects that will make your day-to-day life a path to follow with enthusiasm and excitement.

I have two pieces of news for you today: on the one hand, a new programme of the Princess of Girona Foundation (Fundación Princesa de Girona – FPdGi), the Pro(f)-e diploma; and, on the other, the Alwa project, dawn in the Aymara language, which supports and promotes the development of socially responsible entrepreneurs (PESS). (more…)

“Hacia el sur” (English version) (Southward)

The person I introduce you today is special for many aspects. Many of them are related to entrepreneurship and her powerful professionalism, but there are many others that, without being typical of an entrepreneur and without any doubt, are part of her added value. Her name is Ro Venegas and she is the CEO, image, soul and smile of Hacia el Sur (southwards), her dream project.

If you are interested in getting to know a person who defines herself as cheerful, social, extroverted, but serious and hard-working, and whose objectives include personal and professional growth by working with creative people who are capable of building things out of nothing to make people’s lives more entertaining, you just have to keep reading. (more…)


Last Friday, 6 October 2023, I delivered a session on entrepreneurial attitude in the Deusto START I ath the University of  Deusto. Another year and new participants, students from different degrees and double degrees who have decided to take advantage of an opportunity that many of us have not had throughout our studies. So, first of all, congratulations to all the people who believe in and are committed to this type of programme, in this case, the participants and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (Deusto Emprende) of the University of Deusto. (more…)

This one’s for you, ama.

“Daughter, from whom did you inherit so much creativity? You should have dedicated yourself to this”. These are the words that my ama (my mother) repeated to me every time I showed her one of my “creations”, whether it was a visual thinking, one of my drawings (which some people affectionately call “dibujines”), one of my robots or my sustainable wooden “little houses” (she still has in her house two of the creations with which I “let myself go” the most). (more…)