“Hacia el sur” (English version) (Southward)

The person I introduce you today is special for many aspects. Many of them are related to entrepreneurship and her powerful professionalism, but there are many others that, without being typical of an entrepreneur and without any doubt, are part of her added value. Her name is Ro Venegas and she is the CEO, image, soul and smile of Hacia el Sur (southwards), her dream project.

If you are interested in getting to know a person who defines herself as cheerful, social, extroverted, but serious and hard-working, and whose objectives include personal and professional growth by working with creative people who are capable of building things out of nothing to make people’s lives more entertaining, you just have to keep reading. (more…)

This one’s for you, ama.

“Daughter, from whom did you inherit so much creativity? You should have dedicated yourself to this”. These are the words that my ama (my mother) repeated to me every time I showed her one of my “creations”, whether it was a visual thinking, one of my drawings (which some people affectionately call “dibujines”), one of my robots or my sustainable wooden “little houses” (she still has in her house two of the creations with which I “let myself go” the most). (more…)

Perseverance or balance

This morning (on any given day of the week) a video about lbalance.king.w “popped up” on my instagram account. It’s not the first time, I admit, but this time it made me think about one of the characteristics of P.E. It’s about perseverance.

Some of you may be wondering what this account has to do with perseverance. It is very simple. What made me think about perseverance was the number of times the “man in the video” (sometimes accompanied) has to repeat his “attempt” to achieve his goal (balancing between objects of different materials, sizes and weights).

It is true that it makes you wonder whether the videos are real or not. If they are not, I am left with the need to underline this quality of P.E. Because the truth is that perseverance has been with us since childhood. Think, for example, of how many times a child falls down and gets up again when learning to walk.

When babies are learning to walk, they fall on average 17 times an hour. Given that frequency of falls, you might think their little brains carefully computed all that negative input so they could learn from their errors. Apparently, that’s just not so. Babies don’t change their behavior based on negative feedback, according to researchers at NYU’s Infant Action Lab… Their drive to get from Point A to Point B makes a little thing like falling inconsequential in the scheme of things. And when they do fall, it’s a low-stakes venture with extremely rare negative consequences. So off they go, toddle, tumble, toddle.(Compton, 2021).

And you, do you persevere? Have you ever stopped to think about what it is that makes our perseverance diminish as we get older? Is it a question of culture? or of education?

I invite you, just out of curiosity, to visit the lbalance.king.w account and see if that makes us a little more aware that not everything in life is a gift and that perseverance together with effort are great qualities that, hopefully, will continue to accompany me day after day.

Thank you for still being there.

La galga menta

This past weekend (March 5-7, 2021) a special market was held to celebrate the 8th of March (La Bernarda, urban festival). Although my idea was to go on Saturday, it was not possible for me to visit so many E.P. that I knew were getting together at Zawp until Sunday. I think that it is wonderful to surround yourself with people with so much art and, especially, to feel loved by them.

Today, apart from introducing to you a few of them, I’m going to focus a little more on some of them, of which I have not yet spoken to you in detail. Would you like to know about these entrepreneurial women? Go ahead.
