
Today I had several entrepreneurs and innovative projects to tell you about but, finally, I have decided to introduce you to the EntreComp European Entrepreneurship Framework. I am sure that many people know it, but what about those who do not know it or even have never seen it before?

“EntreComp is a comprehensive, flexible and multipurpose reference framework designed to help you understand what is meant by entrepreneurship as a key competence for lifelong learning and to be able to use this in your work. It is intended to support and inspire actions to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations and was launched  in 2016 as part of the New Skills Agenda for Europe”. See reference.

EntreComp is represented by a flower, with 15 petals or competences, divided in 3 areas (into action, ideas and opportunities, resources). Each competence is defined through learning outcomes which are mapped across 8 different levels of progression from beginner to expert.Watch the following video and have a clearer idea about the different possibilities that EntreComp offers you.

If you are working around the education sector, I invite you to be part of a wonderful community as https://entrecomp.thinqi.com/

Rule Eleven

A few weeks ago, I didn’t know I was going to write this post, but here it is. Today I introduce you to an entrepreneurial woman and her team. I met her “virtually” due to entrepreneurship and an investigation I’m doing now. I hope to know more about her team when the time comes, because I’m sure we will have many opportunities.

If you want to know more about the protagonist of this post, just keep reading.


When passion becomes art

It was about time, right? That’s what we thought and said as soon as we saw each other. A few days ago, the two of us agreed on the fact that “enough” time had passed since we first met on Instagram many years ago.

The most important thing is that, finally, on the 18th of January 2021 we saw each other and we talked. And, by the way, what a nice and productive time!

She is Yolanda Triguero, or Yoli, because in this case, her name is not that important. If you still don’t know what she does for a living and the works of art she makes, I encourage you to read this post. (more…)

Reharq, the magic of the cultural heritage

Some years ago, I met Libe, the protagonist of today’s post. I had just started with my blog and she was there to give me some advice because she had been doing that for years before. Since then I’ve been wanting to write about her, but life has many ups and downs and the change has just arrived. I’ll keep the real reasons to myself, but I’ll share with all of you the important parts of this journey.

Let me introduce you to Reharq.
