The protagonist of today’s post is an entrepreneur woman whom I had the pleasure to meet a few years ago at the University of Deusto. The project she then presented to me with Amaia Agirre, which I have already talked about on another occasion, fascinated me. Today, our protagonist provides her services in another company, but her character, her potential and her entrepreneurial values go with her because they are part of her personality and her way of being. I introduce you María García López.
María García Lopez is an entrepreneurial and managerial woman who has a degree in Economic Law and a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Deusto and is currently part of the ngloba Strategy team.
María began working at ngloba Strategy in 2014, after more than 15 years of experience in management and project management positions related to the development of human capital. During her professional career, María has worked in multinationals such as Iberdrola S.A., SMEs such as Inguru, ingeniería y gestión ambiental S.L., family companies such as Emarayas Holding S.L. and in the Public Administration, such as the Training and Employment area of the Bilbao City Council, the Department of Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture of the Basque Government and the Department of Environment of the Basque Government and its public companies IHOBE and URA.
Her interests include emotional intelligence, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), entrepreneurship, coaching and mentoring (in fact, in 2011 she founded Coaching Factory, along with Amaia Agirre), human resources (the area where she developed part of her work), creativityand innovation (two of her basic tools in achieving her challenges) and communication (without it, María would lose a lot of her potential because. Personally, I like her natural way to connect with people and to express herself that is reflected in her permanent smile, gestures and look). In addition, some of the areas related to human resources such as teamwork and, in particular, Belbin team roles, competency management, training, staff selection, work environment or high performance equipment are part of her interests.
What Maria brags about is that she loves working with people and orienting them towards achieving the goals of the organization they belong to. That is why Maria, after overcoming the most important internal obstacle and paying an important emotional and physical toll, stated in an interview that she did with Emakumeekin, an association in which she takes part, that:
“Today, I feel that it has been very worthwhile and that the learning extracted from this experience has been a real “Master of life “. I consider myself a stronger person who can help others who are in situations of similar wear, with much more precision and knowledge.“
From that experience, in addition to more courage and passion for people, María had the opportunity to work in ngloba Strategy, whose goal is aligned with María’s interests: to help both the integral transformation of organizations and the implementation of changes in aspects such as the definition and establishment of sustainable growth strategies; development of culture and values; promotion of innovation; selection, detection, extension and retention of talent and leadership; cohesion of teams; and design and implementation of collaboration and communication strategies.
ngloba Strategy is part of the strategic challenges of each client (each person and organization) and its strengths, and works with a transformation model based on innovative methodologies of recognized prestige that influences the capacity of each organization to implement the necessary changes in the shortest time possible. Its objective is to provide global, realistic and results-oriented solutions based on disciplines and areas such as marketing, psychology, coaching, creative solution of challenges or neurolinguistic programming.
María has become an expert in detecting, managing and expanding the talent of people, teams and organizations, in order to accompany them to achieve their goals with high standards of excellence.
Today, María is a member of Emakumeekin, an active member of AED (Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Directives of Bizkaia) and member of ANE (International Academy of Neuroscience and Education) and cahe ollaborates as a teacher in the Deusto Business School and other institutions that motivate the training and development of professionals and leaders from an integral perspective. We hope to see her soon as an active part of MET Community, which she has been closely following for some time.
I encourage you to get to know María and ngloba Strategy a little more. They will help you, among others, to improve your results, those of your team and your company; and to make people, teams and organizations grow.
If you want to contact María, I’ll make it easy for you. You can do it through your mail ( or by telephone (627 414 859).
If you want to contact ngloba Strategy, here you have their mail ( and telephone (667 511 034).
Enjoy every day. I will be back next week.
Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.