
A few years ago Yanire Braña had a vision, with which she combined Woman, Entrepreneur and Technology (MET) (Mujer, Emprendimiento y Tecnología in Spanish). Since that moment several forums, workshops, meetings and mentoring sessions have been held under with the brand of “MET community”. The one event from last Saturday, the 5th of November 2016, will be difficult to forget for some people. It will mean different things for everyone: a new start, a “stop to take a breath”, an impulse or a showcase, a thank-you, a moment of “it was about time”, a day to remember hard beginnings of a beautiful entrepreneur adventure, a reunion, an expected encounter or a “I should have gone”. But the most important thing is that the best is yet to come and other similar experiences that, personally, I hope I’ll be able to live, will come.

Are you intrigued? Keep reading.

It was raining, it was cold, it was foggy and we still had some kilometers to travel, but almost two hours after, we finally made it to Villa de Lerma, host village of a special meeting, the first National METworking that was hosted between MET community Bilbao and MET community Madrid. Maybe the Cardinal Duke of Lerma would have liked to be the protagonist of this meeting but, unfortunately for him, what he didn’t know was that the women’s and men’s community that put together MET was going to become the star of the Villa. Walking around its secret passages, the ones the Duke forced to build for him, and making the voices of the MET community be heard more strongly than the ones of the “angels” that resounded on the church of San Pedro some centuries ago was possible last Saturday, the 5th of November, thanks to, mainly, two women: Celia Izquierdo, mayoress of Lerma, and Inmaculada Sierra Vecilla, provincial deputy, vice president of the New Technologies and Rural e Government Committee and mayoress of Tordómar. Two entrepreneur women that, without having to show it off, they made why they are where they are very clear.

Aimg_6464part from Celia and Inmaculada, on Saturday there were also other people, the majority of them P.E., the protagonists of the day, among them, Guiller Dorronsolo, María Astigarrga, Txema Villate, Cristina Alvarez, María (Yolanda), Giovanna (Tunque), Álvaro Ubierna, Esti León, Indalecio Gil, Judit Urquijo, Elixabete Arruti, Tamara Ferrero, Nati, Nacho Villoch, Saioa Eibar, Antonio Tena, Susana, Arantza Arruti, Virginia Gómez and Mª José Pérez. These are the people who experienced in first person a meeting that MET community made reality after a lot of effort.

img_6413All of them made it clear little by little, through their presentations, why it’s worth it to be a part of the international MET family. I’m only going to give a breakdown on its interventions. All of them contributed with something and today I show you the ideas and main concepts of the same that have given us an idea of what MET community includes. Here you go.

MET community:
  • it focuses on entrepreneur PEOPLE, mainly on women, whom tries to empower
  • it means inspiring, connecting and sharing
  • it’s equal to emotion, illusion, willingness, passion and dedication
  • it’s an opportunity to move on, grow up and demonstrate what we as women can do
  • it’s a synonym of greatness, and not of grandiosity
  • it means working IN TEAM (a lot)
  • it has to do with creating, innovating, motivating and transforming
  • it looks for the success of every woman and fights against inequalities
  • it provides help, support, connection, synergies, collaboration, networking and security
  • it believes on the potential of women to create and add value to the society
  • it works with a proprietary and innovative methodology of mentoring, contrasted with years of experience
  • apart from the people, in who it trusts and believes firmly, supports its projects, initiatives, concerns, ideas and, above all, the developing processes and actions that the P.E. have to give to convert its ideas and dreams on realities
  • it makes available for entrepreneur women a network of expert and international mentors, great professionals who are willing to not let the entrepreneur adventure become a path to go on alone.
  • it’s a family to which belonging is a pride
  • all in all, with Txema Villate’s permission:

“MET community is a reflection of what it’s necessary to be someone in life and what is summarized on the three “H”: HUMBLENESS, HONESTY AND SENSE OF HUMOR”.

I assure you that last Saturday there was a lot of Humbleness, there was more than enough Honesty, without any doubt, and sense of Humor wasn’t missing, who gives the most?

img-20161105-wa0012I invite you again, women and men, to enter the MET community page and to see the way to be a part of this family that promotes the entrepreneurship. Whether it is as entrepreneur women or expert people, coaches, collaborators or professionals, I’m sure that you will find your place.

They gave me an opportunity two years ago and I don’t regret it at all. Today I’m happy that I participated actively in Lerma, for several motives, but also because, finally, I was able to meet Mª José Pérez, responsible of the MET community Spain. Thank you, Mª José, and thank you Virginia for letting me be a part of this team..

I wish you a wonderful week..

Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.

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