9 months have passed since the last 25th of September of 2017 when the 3rd edition of the Met Community program in Bilbao started until the program’s closure day, on the 28th of June of 2018. They have been 9 months where the protagonists of today’s post have worked very hard to keep moving forward in their entrepreneurial dream and in their process of being entrepreneur women.
Category: MET community
Do you know what Napoleon Hill said?
Napoleon Hill said that it is literally true that you can succeed better and faster by helping others to succeed. I’m not 100% sure that that was what the MET Community founder, Yanire Braña, thought when, a few years ago, she decided to create this organization. But I don’t think I’m wrong if I say that she probably agrees with me if, in addition, I tell her that success for me is the progressive realization of a dream. Thank you, José Ballesteros for defining it this way a few years ago. (more…)
A few years ago Yanire Braña had a vision, with which she combined Woman, Entrepreneur and Technology (MET) (Mujer, Emprendimiento y Tecnología in Spanish). Since that moment several forums, workshops, meetings and mentoring sessions have been held under with the brand of “MET community”. The one event from last Saturday, the 5th of November 2016, will be difficult to forget for some people. It will mean different things for everyone: a new start, a “stop to take a breath”, an impulse or a showcase, a thank-you, a moment of “it was about time”, a day to remember hard beginnings of a beautiful entrepreneur adventure, a reunion, an expected encounter or a “I should have gone”. But the most important thing is that the best is yet to come and other similar experiences that, personally, I hope I’ll be able to live, will come.
Are you intrigued? Keep reading.
Met Community Basque Country
Last Thursday, 11th of June, at 5:30pm in the Sala Garate of the University of Deusto, we celebrated, with a lot of excitement, not always contained, and pride for our mentees and mentors, the closing event of the First program of mentoring for women entrepreneurs in Euskadi, developed by MET Community in collaboration with the University of Deusto and the Deusto Business School.