From Kenia to the world

A few weeks ago I rediscovered a project, ayudame3D, and an exceptional social entrepreneur, Guillermo Martínez Gauna-Vivas. I say ‘rediscovered’ because, after a bit of ‘research’, I realised that he ‘sounded familiar’, as he was one of the winners of the Princess of Girona Foundation‘s 2020 Princess of Girona Social Award. Today I would like to introduce him to you, because what he does contributes to improving the world and, above all, to changing the lives of vulnerable people.


Female Leadership Decalogue

Today I am not going to write a long post. It is not because I don’t feel like writing, but just because I want to share with all of you who follow me a Decalogue that I received some days ago from Javier Freire. It is not just another decalogue but the one on female leadership written by Javier Freire. People who know me will also agree with me that I am pro-leadership as I have been working by and for it for many years (actually, since I got a scholarship to prepare for it more than two decades ago). During the last decade, I have been working for it mainly from the point of view of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship.

The 10 commandments Javier shares with us are in line with the characteristics I defend of the P.E. A woman leader is:

  1. Passion and energy, she does not compare herself and does not compete with others.
  2. “Real” and puts people at the centre.
  3. Creative, she creates new spaces for both teams and markets.
  4. Recognizes the talent of people.
  5. Sensitive, empathetic and knows how to listen and accompany people in their processes of change.
  6. Maintains a balance between personal, family and professional life and with friends.
  7. Creates a free lifestyle where the present is enjoyed. Celebrates life.
  8. Thanks unconditionally. Knows that everything that happens in her life (positive or negative) leads to learning.
  9. Dreams big and goes for it.
  10. Not only dreams but acts. Lives intensely the present and plans his ideal life to 3, 5 and 15 years.

What do you think? Are they different from those of the male leader?

Let’s continue to develop ourselves as leaders, with entrepreneurial characteristics and competences that make us evolve and move forward.

Enjoy these last days of October. A special Christmas season will arrive before you imagine. Oh, and in two weeks, I will introduce you to an entrepreneur woman who earned her P.E. initials a few years ago.

Mañana, so when?

A couple of weeks ago or so, a member of the Mañana team, an initiative led by IFEMA together with Barrabé and promoted by ENISA contacted me. I could not pay much attention to it until a few days ago. The truth is that I would have liked to have had more time to browse their website a little more carefully, but time is what it is, so, although later than expected, here I am to tell you about this initiative that has to do with all of us, whether we are entrepreneurs or not.

Do you want to know what it is about? I’ll tell you (more…)