From Kenia to the world

A few weeks ago I rediscovered a project, ayudame3D, and an exceptional social entrepreneur, Guillermo Martínez Gauna-Vivas. I say ‘rediscovered’ because, after a bit of ‘research’, I realised that he ‘sounded familiar’, as he was one of the winners of the Princess of Girona Foundation‘s 2020 Princess of Girona Social Award. Today I would like to introduce him to you, because what he does contributes to improving the world and, above all, to changing the lives of vulnerable people.

You could say that ayudame3D began when Guillermo travelled as a volunteer to an orphanage in Kenya with five prosthetic arms, but there is no one better than him to introduce himself:

ayudame3D, which Guillermo created at the age of 22, is a Spanish organisation that believes in the power of technology to change lives and create a more inclusive world for all. They design, manufacture and deliver free Trésdesis (3D printed arms) to amputees all over the world, helping to reduce the inequality they face and improving their quality of life. It is a collaborative platform woven globally (55 countries). And that’s not all they do..

For all those people who like entrepreneurship, helping others and technology, here are some of the characteristics that have led me to dedicate this space to Guillermo and that define him as a social entrepreneur:

  • He has been ‘playing’ with 3D printers since 2015.
  • He likes to live, do good and help.
  • He defines himself as creative, innovative, inBentor and a ‘tinkerer’.
  • One of his talents is ‘to be curious all the time’.
  • He is one of those who think that we should encourage curiosity and mental development in the new generations.
  • He is grateful to his parents because ‘they gave him wings’.
  • He learned through youtube.
  • He was diagnosed with ADHD (it was difficult for him to learn and study, but he never stopped).
  • He continues to learn.
  • He recommends following your heart, using your passion and your hobby to help.
  • He is clear that, if you enjoy an activity, that’s where your talent lies.
  • He advises us to discover what we are capable of.
  • He believes that we can achieve our goals and what each of us can do, if we adapt to ourselves, to our possibilities, to the time we have available in our daily lives, and we do it with organisation.

I invite you to follow him on the networks and, if possible, help in his project to help vulnerable people.
By the way, February is here!

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