From Kenia to the world

A few weeks ago I rediscovered a project, ayudame3D, and an exceptional social entrepreneur, Guillermo Martínez Gauna-Vivas. I say ‘rediscovered’ because, after a bit of ‘research’, I realised that he ‘sounded familiar’, as he was one of the winners of the Princess of Girona Foundation‘s 2020 Princess of Girona Social Award. Today I would like to introduce him to you, because what he does contributes to improving the world and, above all, to changing the lives of vulnerable people.


Alupé, alupé (English version)

If I start the song that many of us have sung as children, I’m sure you will follow it. Come on, I begin: “Alupé, alupé”, come on, do not be shy, “sentadita me quedé”. That’s what the protagonists of today’s post, Ici and Bego, thought when 11 years ago, on November 13, they decided to launch their brand, because they wanted something “catchy”. Did they succeed? Read on to give your opinion. (more…)

Moving for the Arts

Here I am, finally! I wanted to sit down in front of the keyboard and return to this space. Besides, this year is special. In November 2024 I will celebrate 10 years with this blog. Who would say so? 10 years of stories, projects, entrepreneurs, values, attitudes, and characteristics. Each of the entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial and innovative projects that I have been writing about have proved to me that entrepreneurship is a reality that is expressed in multiple ways. We must keep on making it visible.

Women called “rederas” involved in Red-era

A few months ago I received a piece of news that was “one of mine”. I read it and if there was one thing that got me hooked it was, without a doubt, the ingenuity and creativity of the protagonists. It was not the first time I had seen this idea, but I liked both its origin and the way Ana Cañil explained it.

Would you like to meet entrepreneur women who have combined tradition, effort, work, and fashion? I encourage you to read on. (more…)