Here I am, finally! I wanted to sit down in front of the keyboard and return to this space. Besides, this year is special. In November 2024 I will celebrate 10 years with this blog. Who would say so? 10 years of stories, projects, entrepreneurs, values, attitudes, and characteristics. Each of the entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial and innovative projects that I have been writing about have proved to me that entrepreneurship is a reality that is expressed in multiple ways. We must keep on making it visible.
Today, I would like to introduce you to David and his work. As soon as I met him, I was dazzled and fascinated by his art and the greatness of his work. That was last December 18, 2023, during the ZAWP Christmas market in Bilbao where I also was (and I will tell you about it soon).
David Marcos is an artist. You just have to visit his website or his social networks (tik tok, instagram). I promise you that he will not leave you indifferent. I know he is not the only artist that exists on the face of the earth, and he is not the first artist I write about in this blog, but his paintings are amazing (and, yes, indeed, I am not an expert in art. That’s why, what I do is to value and talk about what I like and what “hooks me”). I would like to have one of his paintings at home (never say “never”).
To describe David, “with his permission”, I will use his words. He tells us that when he was very young he showed interest in art. His mother taught him the infinite ways of combining colors and since then painting has always been part of him. He studied for a degree in Primary Education (something that links us) and while on Erasmus in Bologna he discovered that he needed to be active and move. Graffiti artist, flight attendant, farmer, cleaner, security guard, cook, and, always, with his sketchbook -his notebook-, painting and sharing with the world his paintings on his Instagram account @davidmarcosart. After selling his first works, in 2022 he launched himself with the challenge of checking if he could live from his work. He has dedicated his savings, hard work daily effort, creativity, imagination, and many trips and movements to this challenge.
Should you need to contact him, here you have his data:, +34 669 248 413, and y @davidmarcosart.
You will say if David deserves this place in the blog (I have no doubt). David, I hope to see you soon and, if not, I’ll be happy to read in the news that, at last, “they have seen you”, you have taken off and you can’t keep up with the orders.
I’ll be back sooner than you think. Enjoy the rest of January, which is short.