Shaping our entrepreneurial spirit and “starting up” new actions

The last week was rather difficult and tough in a personal level but also rewarding and, I want to think, positive. My health did not accompanied me and it led to lessen my spirit and motivation a little bit, but thanks to the support of my family (which is always there, in good and bad times), my true friends and the people who worry about me, they managed to make this week worthy. Besides, being able to participate actively in the DeustoSTART training program and in the Inspirexe 2015 day, and having visited the entrepreneurs that, while it was raining, shiwed us their creations in the Sunday Market, have contributed, without any doubt, to it.




No more than 5 years ago, in July of 2009 if I am not wrong, I met the protagonist of the post of this week again. At that moment I did not imagine that that day was going to be really important in my life, not just professionally speaking but personally too. Because knowing Itziar Segovia is, without any doubt, a great opportunity. I took advantage of it when we were improving Ingenio entrepreneurship program, which I have mentioned on this blog before. Itziar was, in that moment, charge of creativity and innovation in EITB.


International Women’s Day, Are you ready?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe 8th of March of 2015 we celebrated the International Women’s Day. According to the United Nations “this year’s theme, “Empowering Women – Empowering Humanity: Picture It!” envisions a world where each woman and girl can exercise her choices, such as participating in politics, getting an education, having an income, and living in societies free from violence and discrimination. In 2015, International Women’s Day will highlight the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a historic roadmap signed by 189 governments 20 years ago that sets the agenda for realizing women’s rights”. That is one of the reasons why the last 8th of March we started celebrating a special day, a day which has a WOMAN name, a woman who is ENTREPRENEUR, brave, committed, determined, inspired, passionate, dreamer and eagered.   Do you know anyone like that?


What about you? Are you a teacherpreneur?

IMG_20150222_084733After some intense work days in Leeuwarden (The Netherlands), I have come back with renewed strength after having been thinking, contrasting ideas and talking (in a formal and informal way) about a topic which is key for me: the education of our children of Primary School and of the teachers who lead them in their learning processes. That is why today I want to talk to you about the figure of the TEACHER, the teacher of the FUTURE, the ENTREPRENEUR teacher, or as many others call it now, the TEACHERPRENEUR(more…)