Even now, when I think of our today’s entrepreneur, Germán Zubiaur, it comes to mind a message that I received once by one of our loyal Ekin-It partners, Marian Alaez, Lecturer in Law at the Universidad de Deusto. It turns out that rummaging through messages I found one I received the 10th of October of 2012, in which Marian was telling me that she found “the perfect candidate for Ekin-It”. And indeed, that was the case. In September of 2013 Germán became one of the participants in the last edition of Ekin-It. Personally, having Germán as one of the Ekin-It participants, the new generation of entrepreneurs, was, has been and will be something I will always thank not only to Marian but to Germán himself, a committed, restless person who is willing to make his dreams come true, as can be seen in WIME. Do you want to know him a little? (more…)
EmakumeEkin, written with an “e” of “E”ntrepreneurship among wom”E”n m”E”t in good company.
Amaia, Agurne, Fátima, Beatriz, Susana, Miren, Marian, Arantza, Idoia, María, Amaya, Elena, Mari Carmen, Silvia… are just a few names of the women who once decided to gamble for the entrepreneurship and nowadays, as EmakumeEkin partners, work from our respective professional areas and sections on behalf of the entrepreneurship. An entrepreneurship which, in this occasion, has women names. (more…)
Home Staging: tunea tu vivenda con Joana Aranda
Cuando hace unos meses conocí a la emprendedora Joana Aranda (mentee de Met Community) me emocionó su historia y su momento vital en el que se encontraba. Luchadora incansable, persona valiente donde las haya, con iniciativa, decisión y mucha fuerza, Joana comenzó su aventura emprendedora cuando sólo tenía 20 años. Entonces ya disfrutaba con lo que hacía pues a ello dedicaba todo el tiempo que podía. Unos años después, cuando los niños llegaron, Joana decidió que era momento de dedicarse a su familia y parar. Pero la parada duró dos años aproximadamente, pues había “algo” que le faltaba. Así es como volvió a re-engancharse a su “otra” vida, su “otra” pasión, el mundo del inmueble. Es entonces cuando nace Casas a Punto Home Staging. (more…)