ParaPUPAS, the platform that leads Arancha Guerrero

Today it’s the turn of one of the mentees of the Met Community program, which I have talked to you about more than once, and one of the projects that she has created. This mentee is Arancha Guerrero and the project is called ParaPUPAS. Do you want to know about it? Just keep reading, you’ll discover who she is and what does this more than interesting project consist of, which is already a reality.


Arancha defines herself as an intuitive, proactive, dynamic, positive, capable of creating illusion, versatile, very responsible WOMAN with humor sense and really good communicative talent.

In addition, she considers herself an expert in time management, negotiation techniques, conflict resolution, strategic planning to short, medium and long term and relaxation techniques, among others. In fact, being a MOTHER of 2 had to have more than one advantage and those are the ones Arancha was able to benefit from for her work and personal and professional development.

I was lucky enough to meet Arancha some months ago and I think she’s right on her presentation. In fact, I think she should include in her promotion the fact that she is a (vocational) ENTREPRENEUR woman, as not for nothing when she was 20 she had her first patent, which was followed by a nursery school, a housing developer… Today, more than two decades after that first patent, Arancha is still down to earth and with illusion and willingness to embark on something bigger, if possible.

With a great professional multidisciplinary formation and experience upon her shoulders, and “always looking out for new professional proposals”, Arancha currently presents herself as the founder of ParaPUPAS, a project of social innovation in which she has put all of her illusion on, because, as she says “in everything I do the illusion is maximum”, and it wasn’t going to be less now.


With ParaPUPAS, Arancha has embarked on a project she reached after being able to accompany and take care of her grandparents until their last days. During those days she could see the quantity of time lost going in and out searching for help, filling out papers, talking to technicians and dedicating herself to other topics instead of to people, the main protagonists of this project.

During the searching process, Arancha not only did she find a new market space, still untapped, but she realized that there was a huge number of technological projects really innovative created to make life easier for the elderly people, people with disabilities and dependances that were undiscovered. And this was, among others, what caught her attention.

Apart from being a showcase for innovation and new technologies of the sector, and for everyone who dedicate their lives to create products and services for those groups with special necessities, ParaPUPAS is the first platform of reference to elderly people, disabled people and people with dependance that offers FREE counselling about products, services, support and subsidies on the sector.

Its goal is to advise elderly people, people with disabilities or dependances, their families and caretakers so they can:

  • signposts-541438_1920find products they need to the best price, with the best garanties and best delivery service and after-sale service
  • if they need help at home, either for therapeutic equipment such as wheelchair, articulated beds, bathroom accessories, vehicle adaptation, adapted tourism and traveling or because it is the moment to consider other type of house, the one that has every possible option
  • find more easily and quickly the help and subsidy that there’s available, without losing the demanded papers from the local, autonomic and state administrations.


If you want to know more about this, the only thing you have to do is enter the site or reach out Arancha by phone +34 646 057 467 or email

I’m sure that Arancha will be pleased to search a solution for your problem, not caring about the type of problem, or receive your services or products on the site, as long as they respond to the users on the site.

I wish you have a wonderful week.

Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.

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