Some posts ago I told you about one of the gifts I received during the pandemic (well, just before that, in February 2020) which was being able to participate on the 4th pedagogical expedition organized by FPdGi (Princesa de Girona Foundation). Today, I want to talk to you about one of their key program whose goal is to help develop teachers’ talents as transforming and innovating agents. In other words, help them be ready to respond to educational challenges of the actual and future society. Its name: Generación docentes (generation of teachers).
Tag: self-motivation
The 20 characteristics of the entrepreneur
I admit that the time between this post and the last one has been longer than before. Unfortunately, sometimes life asks you to relax and calm down a little bit. It has been what has happened to me. This time, due to the lack of time to write the posts as entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship deserve I have decided to write every two weeks more or less. The most important thing is that I am here and I am back writing about what I think it is more than worthy. Hello again.
Para aquellas personas que me habéis preguntado en más de una ocasión que es eso de la P.E., aprovecho este “primer” post de vuelta de las vacaciones para refrescar estas siglas.
For those who have asked me more than once what E.P. (in Spanish) means, I’ll take this “first” post back from holidays to refresh this acronym.
In order to answer propely, I’ve been gathering the adjectives and ideas that I’ve been using in the different posts and which, from my point of view, define the E (entrepreneurial) P (person), this is, the entrepreneur. It is very important to highlight that every single entrepreneur does no have all those qualities, values or characteristics in general at the same time and/or at a high level. After all, we can’t forget that we aren’t talking about a superman or superwoman, but about people, with capital letters in my opinion: PEOPLE. (more…)
Surrounded by entrepreneurs.
Although I’m posting this blog post a couple of weeks later than I wanted to do, I think it’s worth doing it, especially for the E.P. and the initiatives I’m going to talk to you about. The thing is that these past weeks I’ve had the opportunity to go to Copenhagen, Denmark, to participate on the European project EIPTE. I’ve done it with 15 students of the Grade of Primary Education at the University of Deusto, and two colleagues of the same university that, like me, opt for the entrepreneurial education and the teacherpreneurs. But let’s go by parts, I’ll tell you this story later.
Tourism Deusto looks to the entrepreneurship world
Some years ago, I met a really good colleague, and even better person, who also worked at the University of Deusto. Over the years, the professional relationship, and I dare to say personal, has improved. How lucky I am!
Her name is Ainara Rodríguez Zulaica and she is, among others, a teacher of the degree in Tourism at the Social and Human Sciences Faculty.
When a few years ago I met the protagonist of today’s post I didn’t think I’d be writing about her one day, and it’s not that, by any means, she went unnoticed, but to be honest, her entrepreneurial facet didn’t attract my attention. But life, sometimes, connects you with people that in another moment, for some reason, didn’t. That’s what happened with her and what’s important from this story is that today I’m writing about a woman who has decided to start a new social project.
Do you want to meet her? (more…)