FLL Junior: Boosting the energy

Last 8th of February, the University of Deusto was transformed for a few hours to host an event that, after 10 years, was held for the first time in three different headquarters: Bilbao, Mondragón and San Sebastián. I’m talking about the FLL Euskadi, which I’ve already talked about more than once. This time, for some people, this edition has been very special. For me, apart from being a pleasure, it has also been a challenge that has boosted my energy and has made me trust much more in our new entrepreneurs generations, who have fresh ideas.  (more…)

A new vitamin, the C from creative

On the 10th of January of 2019 I attended the presentation of a new book about creativity written by two people who opt for creativity and innovation. I was quite interested not only because of the topic, but, above all, because one of the authors is an E.P. whom I already talked about in 2016 when we launched the second edition of the mentoring program MET Community in Bilbao.

I invite you to discover who I’m talking about and which is the book I’m referring to.


Betting for entrepreneurs through training and learning

In my last post I talked to you about the characteristics of entrepreneursOn this one I want to emphasize one of them: the one related to constant learning. The point is that last week, the 10th of October, I had the honor of participating again in the DeustoSTART program, a program whose goal is to contribute to the developing of entrepreneurship among the students from the last courses of the degrees of the University of Deusto. (more…)

Surrounded by entrepreneurs.

Although I’m posting this blog post a couple of weeks later than I wanted to do, I think it’s worth doing it, especially for the E.P. and the initiatives I’m going to talk to you about. The thing is that these past weeks I’ve had the opportunity to go to Copenhagen, Denmark, to participate on the European project EIPTE. I’ve done it with 15 students of the Grade of Primary Education at the University of Deusto, and two colleagues of the same university that, like me, opt for the entrepreneurial education and the teacherpreneurs. But let’s go by parts, I’ll tell you this story later.
