Happy Birthday Coaching Factory!

The last 5th of July Coaching Factory celebrated their 5th birthday. A very important date that deserved a special celebration shared with many of the people who have accompanied it on its journey.

Honestly, it was an honor for me to receive their invitation. I admit that I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if I hadn’t come to this one, especially for Amaia and her partner Carmen, but also for the many familiar faces that I (re)met and with whom I shared a few hours that, each of the people there managed to make the day end highly satisfactorily. The chosen place was Arbat, a space adapted to celebrate unique and very special events like this one.

I remember that around July of 2015, I wrote a post about one of the two people behind Coaching Factory (Amaia Aguirre) and how well she lead not only this dream come true which is progressing well, but also a series of projects and training courses that make it up and give meaning to it (storytelling, personal branding, development of innovative talent, effective communication, public speaking, etc.).

Amaia Agirre y Carmen Burguete are a good tandem, which is shown in their way of working and how satisfied participants “come out” of the different actions. Many of those participants were in the celebration, which also was a color party (blueredyellow and green), happiness, learning and “good feeling”. I’m sure that those who were there agree with me, right?

During the celebration, Amaia (who I met in 2013) and Carmen (who I met in person last Thursday), remembered many of the people who have made possible that Coaching Factory is today a reality. And among the many people who were there, EmakumeEkin couldn’t miss it, which was represented by a small group of women whom I loved to see. EmakumeEkin was who presented me to Amaia 5 years ago, so, thanks also to EmakumeEkin for that.

During the event they spoke about communication, talent, leadership, art, music, collaboration, good work, friendship, cooperation and training, among others. That said, do you know what was the best part? That we could also live and experience “what” was spoken about. All of this thanks to how our hostesses prepared the session. Well done, Amaia and Carmen.

Today I’d like to end this post with a huge:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Coaching Factory

and three wishes:

  1. that we keep enjoying your projects,

  2. that we celebrate your 10th anniversary and

  3. that I also can celebrate it with you.

Amaia, I keep thinking that you are a brave, working entrepreneur who has initiative, takes risks and invests all her illusion and passion in what she does very well. And I’m sure that Carmen has to share many of those adjectives with you. Am I wrong? ESKERRIK ASKO and for another five years.

Be happy.

Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.

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