If you like travelling and eating, you’ll fall into their clutches

The post I bring you today is dedicated to a person who is very special to me. I’m talking about someone I met a few years ago when she was studying Primary Education at the University of Deusto and I was one of her professors. She was a very hardworking, constant and committed student, by the way. Besides, I was “lucky” to be the tutor of her final degree about education and entrepreneurship, which she did with her colleague Jennifer Silveria. Her name is Jessica Paños-Castro. Today, she is a teacher in Primary Education and my fellow sufferer.

This is not the first time I’m talking about her, but it is the first time I’m talking about something different. If you keep reading, you’ll know her new facet. Do you want to? (more…)

TALDEKA: supporting local entrepreneurship

A few days ago I read the following comment that Sofía Benjumea made, director of the Madrid Campus, a space created by Google for entrepreneurs in Madrid, and co-founder of Spain Startup (Head of Google for Startups Spain):

Ideas are worthless, the key is on the execution and surrounding yourself with a team that helps you do it.

That’s how I want to start this post, because I also think that it’s necessary to not only have ideas but, especially, to take the plunge and launch them, apply them and/or implement them.

If you are from Bizkaia and your intention is to start your business through designing, developing and/or innovating an app, a game, a program or something similar, creating media content, or developing an idea where “the digital” is present in some way, you are reading the right post. I encourage you to stay with me. I’m sure it comes to your mind some kind of entrepreneurship where the digital plays some part, either small or big. (more…)


This weekend has been a little bit unusual: I almost had to get up earlier than normal to go to one of my children’s basketball game, I walked along the streets of Bilbao as if I had no more obligations than to disconnect for a while of the routine, I discovered places in Bilbao that I didn’t know (and I’m sure there are many more to discover!), I shared stories about entrepreneur sisters, and I even found a web page that I didn’t know either. The point is that last wednesday the day of the working woman was officially celebrated. That is why I thought that today I had to bring all of you an example of an entrepreneur woman or an initiative in which we as women are the protagonists.

Here it is. (more…)