What about you? Do you now the daughter of LISFAB, granddaughter of URBEGI and BBK?

The initiative I bring you today was officially presented to society a few months ago, exactly on January 31, 2017. In this case, two institutions of recognized prestige, the Urbegi Foundation and the BBK Banking Foundation, have joined forces. Its goal is to make available to those that belong to the entrepreneurial ecosystem a new and pioneering tool. I very much believe that we should be a part of this great family.

Do you want to know it and have it among your favorites? (more…)


This weekend has been a little bit unusual: I almost had to get up earlier than normal to go to one of my children’s basketball game, I walked along the streets of Bilbao as if I had no more obligations than to disconnect for a while of the routine, I discovered places in Bilbao that I didn’t know (and I’m sure there are many more to discover!), I shared stories about entrepreneur sisters, and I even found a web page that I didn’t know either. The point is that last wednesday the day of the working woman was officially celebrated. That is why I thought that today I had to bring all of you an example of an entrepreneur woman or an initiative in which we as women are the protagonists.

Here it is. (more…)


Today will not be the first or last time I tell you about a case of social entrepreneurship. One of the main reasons why I do this is for the purpose that this kind of initiatives are looking for. If something identifies the social entrepreneurship is that, among others, it is oriented to the creation of social or environmentallly friendly value through the proposal of new challenges and opportunities that, at the same time, have an impact on society, especially in groups in social exclusion or neglected by conventional social and economic institutions.

Today I bring you an example of that: La Casa Roja. Do you want to keep reading? (more…)

Nagore Ramos, contagious sweetness

As they say, “a chip off the old block,” and in this case, having a family devoted to the hotel industry for more than 20 years has had an impact on the protagonist of today’s post. I’m sure that many people thank it.

The entrepreneur woman of today’s post has been in the bakery world for a short time, but I assure you that she has already given something to talk about in her few months of life as an entrepreneur woman. I encourage you to meet Nagore Ramos(more…)