Together with PESS

First of all, happy new year to all of you who are taking the time to read this post today. I hope it will be a year full of joys and interesting projects that will make your day-to-day life a path to follow with enthusiasm and excitement.

I have two pieces of news for you today: on the one hand, a new programme of the Princess of Girona Foundation (Fundación Princesa de Girona – FPdGi), the Pro(f)-e diploma; and, on the other, the Alwa project, dawn in the Aymara language, which supports and promotes the development of socially responsible entrepreneurs (PESS). (more…)

The three principles “to get rich”

Answering to some people who asked me… yes, I’m still here, but it’s been hard months and, this time, I haven’t been able to write as much as I would have liked. Besides, I remind you that this coming November 2024 I will celebrate 10 years of this blog, it wouldn’t seem right to stop right now, don’t you think?

Today I want to share with you a video from TEDxAlcoi, by Rafa Fergom. I watched it a few days ago and I liked what he tells and how he tells it. Rafa shares with us the three principles to get rich, get richer, or just, the three principles of social entrepreneurship.

I don’t know if you know TED (I highly recommend them). They are short talks and this one that I share with you today, could not be otherwise. I encourage you to watch the video and listen to Rafa’s words. Among other things because you will discover that sharing is the best way to compete.

Here is a summary of the three principles:

Principle #1

  • Helping is a very good strategy to transcend.
  • It is better giving to share (love), and not to receive (to expect something in return), because this way of giving activates the flame of entrepreneurship, uncertainty, creativity, growth and development.

Principle #2

  • We should do what makes us happy, useful and passionate, because from that way of doing, in return, we will receive something.

Principle #3

  • Let’s do something bearing in mind the collective benefit, making other people feeling useful, recognized and valued.
  • Let’s believe in the strength of the community. If something is not good for everyone, it is not good for others either.

Thank you, Rafa, for sharing your story and for reminding us that  the person is not rich because he/she has more money than anyone else.

I’ll be back soon, I promise.

Thank you for still being there.

Moving for the Arts

Here I am, finally! I wanted to sit down in front of the keyboard and return to this space. Besides, this year is special. In November 2024 I will celebrate 10 years with this blog. Who would say so? 10 years of stories, projects, entrepreneurs, values, attitudes, and characteristics. Each of the entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial and innovative projects that I have been writing about have proved to me that entrepreneurship is a reality that is expressed in multiple ways. We must keep on making it visible.


A few weeks ago, on 28 February, I received an invitation to take part in a participatory meeting at Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF). The message was clear: I was invited as a key agent of innovation to, together with other people, promote the innovative ecosystem of Bizkaia. The idea was to bring together “a fundamental part of the current innovation network and the inhabitants of the BBF to understand how to take care of this ecosystem that gives us life and decide what steps we can take together”. Of course, I went there, after all, it is “my topic” and if I could contribute something, it was one of those moments I couldn’t miss. (more…)

The ingredients of success

Let me tell you that, as you know, there’s not just one definition of success and that today I won’t share its DEFINITION with you either. What I am going to do is share with all of you some of the conclusions we got to last Saturday the 26th of March at the event celebrated by Desafío más, a non-profit organization I gladly belong to. I think they will help you understand what success is.

Please, keep reading. (more…)