“Hacia el sur” (English version) (Southward)

The person I introduce you today is special for many aspects. Many of them are related to entrepreneurship and her powerful professionalism, but there are many others that, without being typical of an entrepreneur and without any doubt, are part of her added value. Her name is Ro Venegas and she is the CEO, image, soul and smile of Hacia el Sur (southwards), her dream project.

If you are interested in getting to know a person who defines herself as cheerful, social, extroverted, but serious and hard-working, and whose objectives include personal and professional growth by working with creative people who are capable of building things out of nothing to make people’s lives more entertaining, you just have to keep reading. (more…)

The 20 characteristics of the entrepreneur

I admit that the time between this post and the last one has been longer than before. Unfortunately, sometimes life asks you to relax and calm down a little bit. It has been what has happened to me. This time, due to the lack of time to write the posts as entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship deserve I have decided to write every two weeks more or less. The most important thing is that I am here and I am back writing about what I think it is more than worthy. Hello again.

Para aquellas personas que me habéis preguntado en más de una ocasión que es eso de la P.E., aprovecho este “primer” post de vuelta de las vacaciones para refrescar estas siglas.

For those who have asked me more than once what E.P. (in Spanish) means, I’ll take this “first” post back from holidays to refresh this acronym.

In order to answer propely, I’ve been gathering the adjectives and ideas that I’ve been using in the different posts and which, from my point of view, define the E (entrepreneurial) P (person), this is, the entrepreneur. It is very important to highlight that every single entrepreneur does no have all those qualities, values or characteristics in general at the same time and/or at a high level. After all, we can’t forget that we aren’t talking about a superman or superwoman, but about people, with capital letters in my opinion: PEOPLE. (more…)