It’s the final countdown

Yes, we have almost reached the end of the “EIPTE” (Entrepreneurship in Initial Primary Teacher Education) project (pronounced in very different ways) and here we are, oddly enough, wanting to do more.

It’s been almost three years (which will be complete by next July) and during those years we worked, fun, laughed (even cried), but we have also proven that:

  • entrepreneurship education is not just a dream,
  • we are worth more than we think,
  • we can also be teacherpreneurs (why not?),
  • before making our dreams come true, we have to set some goals,
  • we like our profession,
  • before being a team, we have to be a group,
  • it’s very difficult, but also possible, to work among professionals from countries of different rhythms and level of commitment; ultimately,
  • many other things, such as knowledge, abilities and, to sum up, competences we acquired, developed, and improved during this time.

Honestly, that’s what I thought we could do (and win) with this project.

A project created, as you already know, from international interaction and from good work and trust placed on people.

Well, next week, on Wednesday the 27th of May, will be the time to let everyone know what we’ve been doing these three years. I want to invite you personally to the event that, as it couldn’t be in any other way, will be online. This link is where you’d have to register to be able to enjoy this event with us. As always in this type of acts, there will be a quick opening, a presentation of the results (a little less quick, but hopefully not boring) of the project, a presentation of a resource made by two former students (teacherpreneurs, of course) of the Primary Education degree (one of those also EIPTE participant), and a round table with participants of the program. All of that in less than two hours (10:00 – 12:00 approximately), with a small break where we will present a summary video of our experience. Oh, and if you can’t, you don’t have to be there for the whole event, but we will appreciate it if you do.

Some of the results are already on the program’s website, so you can take a look if you want.

By the way, I also take this opportunity to tell you that last Thursday, the 21st of May,  I was invited to the Talento Juntos program to do an interview on their Instagram @talentojuntos. I want to thank my dear friend Diego Martos for this invitation. I met him thanks to entrepreneurship almost a decade ago and I haven’t seen in too long (but the distance doesn’t make us forget each other). You can see “the moment” in my Instagram profile, in Invitation section. I’ll be glad to share part of my passion with you.

Hope to see you next Wednesday or whenever you want. I’m always at your disposal.

Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.


Today I want to dedicate this post in a special way to the students of the Primary Education Degree of the Bilbao campus of the University of Deusto, to my colleague and coordinator of the Primary Education degree, Miryam Martínez, who has supported and participated actively from the beginning in this project, and to my main teacherpreneur and “travel” companion Jessica Paños. 3 years ago, in 2017, all of them decided to take advantage of a GREAT OPPORTUNITY: to enter the TEACHERPRENEUR WORLD. 

You’ve already heard me talk about this adventure more than once, but today this post, with the rest of my follower’s permission, is dedicated to them: Jessica, Miryam, Ainhoa (I and II), Jorge, Garazi, Alazne, Maider (I and II), María, Leire, Andrea, Ane, Paula, Unai, Nerea, Uxue and Héctor, who today becomes a Doctor.   (more…)

Teacherpreneurs in Sundsvall

An intensive week to delve a little bit more into the entrepreneurial education and learning new methodologies and ways of being more teacherpreneurs. That’s what 13 people of the Primary Education degree of the Psychology and Education Faculty of the University of Deusto have been doing during the past week (from the 21st to the 25th of October) at the Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall (Sweden).

Do you want to know a little bit more about this experience? Keep reading because I’m going to tell you. (more…)

Challenges to me?, asks an EIPTE student

Last week was particularly important to me. Within the Erasmus + EIPTE (Entrepreneurship in Initial Primary Teacher Education) project and from the Faculty I belong to, the Faculty of Psychology and Education of the University of Deusto, I organized the 3rd intensive week of the project. I admit that it took me so long, much longer than I hoped for, but it helped me realize what organizing a week like this means and that if you believe that you can and you make an effort to do so, everything is possible. Besides, the results were worth it, the atmosphere was even more and the company was excellent. I want to use this post to thank the people who have supported us and have made this week to be considered a success (they know who they are). I also want to present you the numbers and data that reflect a part of what the week of the 1st to the 5th of April has meant for the entrepreneurial education and the training of teacherpreneurs (in this occasion, students from the degree of Primary Education of 6 institutions, included the University of Deusto). I wish we keep having these opportunities because entrepreneurship, education and the children of primary school deserve it. (more…)

Surrounded by entrepreneurs.

Although I’m posting this blog post a couple of weeks later than I wanted to do, I think it’s worth doing it, especially for the E.P. and the initiatives I’m going to talk to you about. The thing is that these past weeks I’ve had the opportunity to go to Copenhagen, Denmark, to participate on the European project EIPTE. I’ve done it with 15 students of the Grade of Primary Education at the University of Deusto, and two colleagues of the same university that, like me, opt for the entrepreneurial education and the teacherpreneurs. But let’s go by parts, I’ll tell you this story later.
