Although I’m posting this blog post a couple of weeks later than I wanted to do, I think it’s worth doing it, especially for the E.P. and the initiatives I’m going to talk to you about. The thing is that these past weeks I’ve had the opportunity to go to Copenhagen, Denmark, to participate on the European project EIPTE. I’ve done it with 15 students of the Grade of Primary Education at the University of Deusto, and two colleagues of the same university that, like me, opt for the entrepreneurial education and the teacherpreneurs. But let’s go by parts, I’ll tell you this story later.
Tag: Design Pop Up de Bilbao

Thank goodness, I didn’t miss it!
Last Thursday, the 16th of November, the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación del País Vasco (the Official Association of Telecommunication Engineers of the Basque Country) started the celebration of the 50 years of the Association with an event at street level, none other than at the Zubiarte Shopping Centre, in Bilbao.
There I was to support them, mainly because I know “a little” their dean, Álvaro Ubierna, of whom I have told you before. For me, without any doubt, an E.P.
I have to admit that, the fact that the Official Association of Engineers was celebrating their anniversary in a space reserved for fashion supresied me. I have to tell you the night was getting better by the minute. Do you want to know what this type of event has to do with a blog about entrepreneurship? I encourage you to keep reading. (more…)