Alupé, alupé (English version)

If I start the song that many of us have sung as children, I’m sure you will follow it. Come on, I begin: “Alupé, alupé”, come on, do not be shy, “sentadita me quedé”. That’s what the protagonists of today’s post, Ici and Bego, thought when 11 years ago, on November 13, they decided to launch their brand, because they wanted something “catchy”. Did they succeed? Read on to give your opinion. (more…)

FLL Junior: Boosting the energy

Last 8th of February, the University of Deusto was transformed for a few hours to host an event that, after 10 years, was held for the first time in three different headquarters: Bilbao, Mondragón and San Sebastián. I’m talking about the FLL Euskadi, which I’ve already talked about more than once. This time, for some people, this edition has been very special. For me, apart from being a pleasure, it has also been a challenge that has boosted my energy and has made me trust much more in our new entrepreneurs generations, who have fresh ideas.  (more…)


On the 10th of February of 2018, everything had to be prepared to welcome the teams and enjoy a long day surrounded by children and teenagers willing to give everything: the running order, the 8 rooms, the materials for the tests of value, the rubrics for the scientific project, the robot design and the FLL values, the projectors, the Wi-Fi passwords, the software to introduce punctuations, the sandwiches, the PIT tables, the tables of the stage, the breakfasts, the T-shirts, the credentials and a long etcetera a lot of us don’t know. The thing is that the 10th of February arrived, and everything was ready to receive the biggest FLL tournament celebrated in Spain until now.

Do you want to know more? (more…)