If I start the song that many of us have sung as children, I’m sure you will follow it. Come on, I begin: “Alupé, alupé”, come on, do not be shy, “sentadita me quedé”. That’s what the protagonists of today’s post, Ici and Bego, thought when 11 years ago, on November 13, they decided to launch their brand, because they wanted something “catchy”. Did they succeed? Read on to give your opinion. (more…)
Tag: quality
I am a woman in search of meaning
These Easter holidays have been very special for me for many reasons. The truth is that I needed to rest and take a lot of strength and energy after a tough semester and, above all, after some weeks loaded with so much work (more than I expected), unexpected emotions (those that I personally don’t like) and exciting and irresistible projects, such as EIPTE or the organization of the VIII University Day of the Innovation and Quality. All this, together with the day to day, have made the beginning of the year harder than I thought, so, this time has been good for me to relax, think, re-think and make decisions. (more…)
Last Monday, 25th of September, at 6pm started the 3rd edition of the Met Community program in Bilbao in an incomparable setting, the University of Deusto. A day some of us were looking forward to and with some butterflies in our stomachs. There we were Antonio, Virginia, Irune and I.
This post has a double purpose: on the one hand, to make the launching of their third edition of the program known and, on the other hand, to thank the support of the group of mentors and mentees who have bet for MET Community this year by making some time off their agenda.
Nagore Ramos, contagious sweetness
As they say, “a chip off the old block,” and in this case, having a family devoted to the hotel industry for more than 20 years has had an impact on the protagonist of today’s post. I’m sure that many people thank it.
The entrepreneur woman of today’s post has been in the bakery world for a short time, but I assure you that she has already given something to talk about in her few months of life as an entrepreneur woman. I encourage you to meet Nagore Ramos. (more…)