Last Friday, 6 October 2023, I delivered a session on entrepreneurial attitude in the Deusto START I ath the University of Deusto. Another year and new participants, students from different degrees and double degrees who have decided to take advantage of an opportunity that many of us have not had throughout our studies. So, first of all, congratulations to all the people who believe in and are committed to this type of programme, in this case, the participants and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (Deusto Emprende) of the University of Deusto. (more…)
Tag: networking
A few weeks ago, on 28 February, I received an invitation to take part in a participatory meeting at Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF). The message was clear: I was invited as a key agent of innovation to, together with other people, promote the innovative ecosystem of Bizkaia. The idea was to bring together “a fundamental part of the current innovation network and the inhabitants of the BBF to understand how to take care of this ecosystem that gives us life and decide what steps we can take together”. Of course, I went there, after all, it is “my topic” and if I could contribute something, it was one of those moments I couldn’t miss. (more…)
The ingredients of success
Let me tell you that, as you know, there’s not just one definition of success and that today I won’t share its DEFINITION with you either. What I am going to do is share with all of you some of the conclusions we got to last Saturday the 26th of March at the event celebrated by Desafío más, a non-profit organization I gladly belong to. I think they will help you understand what success is.
Please, keep reading. (more…)
TEDxUDeusto (English)
This last Friday, 18th of March 2022, I was at the Sociedad Filarmónica of Bilbao participating, this time as an active listener and learning everything I can, at the new TEDxUDeusto.
If you don’t know what TEDx is, keep reading because I’ll tell you.
H4C3R (English version)
I wish you a good summer with a news like the one I share with you today. Not only because behind it is a friend and colleague like Garbiñe Henry, director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit at the University of Deusto (UD) and her team, but also because I know that to reach this “result” there is a lot of effort and many hours of thinking, readjusting and defending.
I’ll tell you quickly, I’m sure that, although today’s post is very interesting, many people are more aware of the hours you have left for your much-needed vacation than of what I’m telling you today. So, let’s get to the point.
This post is contextualized in the new Deusto 2022 Strategic Plan of the University of Deusto, whose motto is
“people and institutions that together transform the world to make it more just, more humane and more sustainable”.
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit wants to train people in an integral way (they have been doing it for years), people who transform themselves in order to transform. To this end, the Unit has designed the Deusto Model of Entrepreneurship (H4C3R), which has the following purpose people who transform themselves to transfor:
To support people throughout their lives, promoting an entrepreneurial and innovative culture inside and outside the University, so that they become agents of economic and social transformation, in cooperation with the rest of the ecosystem; in short, people who transform themselves in order to transform.
4 are the objectives and priority lines of action that have been set and which can be summarised as follows:
- To promote the entrepreneurial culture by carrying out awareness-raising, communication and dissemination tasks.
- To develop the entrepreneurial and innovative skills that every entrepreneur (transforming agent) needs.
- To promote and accompany the implementation of entrepreneurial projects in the spaces that the UD has.
- To position the UD in the entrepreneurial ecosystem through networking, cooperation, internationalization or the co-creation of projects.
I invite you to watch the following video in which the 4 H, 3 C and R are explained very well.
Thank you, Garbiñe, for embodying the work of so many years in this model and congratulations to the team.
To all the people who follow me, I wish you a happy summer, very happy, in which you can rest and enjoy yourselves safely. You know, put your masks on and let’s enjoy every moment together.
Hugs and show through your eyes that life is worth living.