María Fernández: a combination of illusion and passion

Our protagonist of the day lives in Sopuerta, a small town of Biscay. She is a young woman, mother of two, who has been strating up business since 2006. For me, without any doubt, she is an entrepreneurial woman but, as she says, working with “picks and shovels” (a Spanish expression). A woman who has experienced in first person the ups and downs like the ones from a Ferris wheel, which is how we identify the entrepreneurial adventure.

Do you want to know her? (more…)

Wannajob: the app that is at your feet

time-1786138_1280Have you ever felt like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland? Have you ever had the feeling of living accelerated, with time just for the essential, time for working on that things that a lot of times you wouldn’t even want to do? Have you ever thought how would your life be if you had a little bit more time for “what really matters”? That’s what the protagonist of today’s post thought a couple of months ago. And that’s the reason why today I’m presenting you to Josu, his partners and his project, a fledgling company that I hope I can present as a new start up in a few months.

Now that Christmas is coming and that it seems that everything is more complicated due to the “lack”of time or our bad management of it, I encourage you to know more about Wannajob: an app that could be the solution to our problems. (more…)