Billy Elliot’s fault

“Don’t know. Sorta feels good. Sorta stiff and that, but once I get going… then I like, forget everything. And… sorta disappear. Sorta disappear. Like I feel a change in my whole body. And I’ve got this fire in my body. I’m just there. Flyin’ like a bird”.

Billy Elliot (more…)

WOPing around life

Do you know what a runner, an alpinist, a pianist and a neurologist do together in a room, surrounded by approximately 450 people, most of them between 15 and 18, coming from 7 different schools of Bilbao and surrounding area? You can think about it for a while or read this post and find it out.

The choice is yours. I can wait as much as you want.


“Twelve looks”

logoLast 28th of May of 2015, at 5:30pm, “Doce miradas” (in English, twelve looks) celebrated 2 years of life reflected on its 94 entries posted in their collaborative blog. The twelve women that are part of it were accompanied by Isaías Lafuente, Ohiane Agirregoitia, Carolina Pérez-Toledo, María Silvestre and every other person who got to the assembly room of the UPV (University of the Basque Country). Have you had the pleasure of meeting them yet? If not, I suggest that you do it as soon as possible. Here you have a little review about them. (more…)