Reharq, the magic of the cultural heritage

Some years ago, I met Libe, the protagonist of today’s post. I had just started with my blog and she was there to give me some advice because she had been doing that for years before. Since then I’ve been wanting to write about her, but life has many ups and downs and the change has just arrived. I’ll keep the real reasons to myself, but I’ll share with all of you the important parts of this journey.

Let me introduce you to Reharq.


WOPing around life

Do you know what a runner, an alpinist, a pianist and a neurologist do together in a room, surrounded by approximately 450 people, most of them between 15 and 18, coming from 7 different schools of Bilbao and surrounding area? You can think about it for a while or read this post and find it out.

The choice is yours. I can wait as much as you want.
