I am number 243

In September of 2016, 17 mentors, 11 schools and around 200 girls embarked on a pioneer project in Euskadi, one of those projects designed on a paper napkin and that holds fundamental values and ideas. Today, I bring you an entrepreneurial initiative of the educational area, which is born at the University of Deusto, guided by Andoni Eguiluz and Lorena Fernández, professor-researcher and Director of Digital Identity of the University of Deusto, respectively.

Do you know which project I’m talking about? I’ll give you a hint: inspire. (more…)

What about you? Do you now the daughter of LISFAB, granddaughter of URBEGI and BBK?

The initiative I bring you today was officially presented to society a few months ago, exactly on January 31, 2017. In this case, two institutions of recognized prestige, the Urbegi Foundation and the BBK Banking Foundation, have joined forces. Its goal is to make available to those that belong to the entrepreneurial ecosystem a new and pioneering tool. I very much believe that we should be a part of this great family.

Do you want to know it and have it among your favorites? (more…)