Drinking coffee with the EntreComp community

Today I share with you the “conference” I had the pleasure to host at one of the EntreCompEdu Café last February, which is one of the actions that EntreComp Europe carries out. It was at the hands of EntreComp España and organized by the Council of Education, Training, and Employment of the Government of Extremadura. Yes, I know it sounds like a mouthful, but I thought that this introduction was more than necessary.

EntreComp España has a goal: to explore how to meet, develop and identify entrepreneurial competence through youth work, training, employment, and the company. That’s why a group of professionals and organizations want to “inspire and get inspired to implement EntreComp through strategies and activities in their work area and their communities”. By the way, for those of you who are not aware, EntreComp is the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. Here you have a video where it’s explained in more detail.

What is EntreComp?

Enjoy the week and the end of the month.

Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.

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