“Hacia el sur” (English version) (Southward)

The person I introduce you today is special for many aspects. Many of them are related to entrepreneurship and her powerful professionalism, but there are many others that, without being typical of an entrepreneur and without any doubt, are part of her added value. Her name is Ro Venegas and she is the CEO, image, soul and smile of Hacia el Sur (southwards), her dream project.

If you are interested in getting to know a person who defines herself as cheerful, social, extroverted, but serious and hard-working, and whose objectives include personal and professional growth by working with creative people who are capable of building things out of nothing to make people’s lives more entertaining, you just have to keep reading. (more…)

Contributing to the social transformation from social entrepreneurship

On Wednesday the 21st of June, my first doctoral student (already a PhD) Nerea Sáenz defended the thesis entitled: La formación en emprendimiento social en la educación superior: competencias, metodologías de enseñanza-aprendizaje e instrumentos de evaluación. Estudio de casos en dos universidades europeas. (Training in social entrepreneurship in higher education: competencies, teaching and learning methodologies and assessment tools. Study of the cases in two European universities).

Today not only I present you some of the main ideas of the thesis, but also her author, of whom I feel so proud. Why would it be? (more…)

Met Community Basque Country


Last Thursday, 11th of June, at 5:30pm in the Sala Garate of the University of Deusto, we celebrated, with a lot of excitement, not always contained, and pride for our mentees and mentors, the closing event of the First program of mentoring for women entrepreneurs in Euskadi, developed by MET Community in collaboration with the University of Deusto and the Deusto Business School.
