A gala with entrepreneurial and transformative overtones

El pasado 20 de octubre, se celebró en el paraninfo de la Universidad de Deusto la Gala de On 20 October, the Deusto-Santander Entrepreneurship Gala was held in the auditorium of the University of Deusto, hosted by Garbiñe Henry, director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (IEU) of the University of Deusto. One of its objectives was to recognize the more than 1,400 participants of the various training courses offered by the IEU of the University of Deusto, and promoted by Deusto Emprende and Banco Santander through Santander Universities. These include creaction!, DeustoSTART I, DeustoSTART II, Practicum Emprende, and the Deusto Emprende Week which, by the way, started on Monday.

In addition to having the privilege of attending the Gala, being able to participate in their programmes is a real honour (I can’t deny it, and I recognise that part of my heart is still in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit).

Today I want to share with all of you some of the recommendations shared by one of the star guests, Hasier Larrea, founder and CEO of Ori, “a robotic furniture startup that reinvents spaces”.

Hasier is considered by many to be one of the success stories of Basque entrepreneurship, so I hope his recommendations help you, as they are helping me.

  1. Fall in love with the problem.
  2. Surround yourself with the best, feel small, that is how we learn.
  3. Learn continuously because the world is constantly changing.
  4. Talk to people, understand their problems, and compete against luck.
  5. Persevere, be stubborn, plan, be flexible in tactics.
  6. Lead, listen to the other person (even if you are the last to speak), cooperate with your own team, apply the formula “Know How, Do How, and Know How“.
  7. If you have to “fail”, then fail and move on, but “Never underestimate the heart of an entrepreneur” and believe in yourself.
  8. People will remember very well how you finished, but not how you started, that’s why you have to know how to manage your exits very well.
  9. “Working on something we like is passion, working on something we don’t care about is stress”. Find your own Ikigai and strike a balance between work, family, health, friends, and soul.
  10. Life is about collecting moments that make us smile.

As Hasier said:

Entrepreneurship is about transforming education, medicine, architecture, in short, transforming the world.

Thank you for following there.