A few days ago, I had the pleasure to meet our today’s protagonist. He is a young entrepreneur full of vitality, with social vocation, who feels great passion for what he does, and believes that a more fair and equitable society can be achieved. Besides, he is well aware that we can contribute to the global change through the small steps we take in our close environment (locally).
Do you want to meet him?
Today, I’m going to let him start to introduce himself. This is Javier Miguel:
Since that 2013/2014 course until today many things and a few years have happened. After completing his studies at the University of Deusto, Javier has continued training and developing himself, among others, in the Empieza por Educar Foundation (ExE), the IES Artabe (Otxarkoaga-Bilbao), The Riverside School (Ahmedabad- India), the school San Ignacio de Loyola (San Sebastián) and in the Foundation Loyolanet.
Thus, we arrived at the month of November of the year 2015, when in an interview they did to him from the Innovandis program in which Javier participated (iNNoVanNDer 8G), he affirmed the following thing:
“I do not dismiss tomorrow, when I have more time, to start a project based on this technique (visual thinking). The internal motivation is present…, it is only necessary that the external conditions are generated so that I can get to it.”
That desire is a reality today. In April 2016, after several months of thinking, designing and developing his “product-service”, Javier and his partner, Egoitz Etxeandia, moved in and undertook Edumotion.
Edumotion is the result of combining education (Edu) with emotion and motion (motion). A perfect combination to achieve what Javier and Egoitz propose: a more fair and equitable society. For that, our entrepreneurs propose different business lines based on what they call synthetic engineering and using visual thinking as one of their essential tools:
- Development and edition of corporate videos.
- Development and edition of educational videos (creation of digital content, digitalization of the curriculum and use of active methodologies in which the student is the protagonist).
- Development of infographics.
- Graphic facilitation.
What I personally like most about Javier is that I’ve been discovering that he has a superpower that he developed while he was in India. Since then, Javier is Waterman, an extraordinary person with the capacity to adapt to any context, to understand the needs of the clients and to give them answer through the synthesis engineering and the visual thinking.
Egoitz, in turn, is STEAMman, the Edu-thinker of the team, a developer of the innovation projects in the education field. He is focused on the methodological change through the STEAM and the flipped classroom. This is considered an innovative active method where the student is the protagonist and an active participant.
Between both of them they form a perfect tandem in which they have managed to LINK innovation and entrepreneurship.
Those who know me know that between Javier and I there is more than one point in common and more than one person that connects us. What I mean is that we are in the same wavelength.
Entre las personas me gustaría destacar a las siguientes:
- Arantxa Arocena, executive director at BNI Navarra and mentor of theMET Community program. She is the “responsible” for the fact that today I’m introducing you to a P.E. like Javier. Thank you, Arantxa, for giving me this opportunity.
- Asun Ibañez and Isabel Fernández, colleagues of the University of Deusto and alma mater of Innovandis.
- Paul San Sebastián and Oier Marigil, of the Loyolanet Foundation.
- María Rubio, from the Empieza por Educar Foundation (ExE).
- The Lauaxeta Ikastola.
- And, of course, my great friend Miryam Artola, of Muxote Potolo bat, of which Javier is a fan.
Among the points we share there are, among others, education, the need of innovation and entrepreneurship in education through active methodologies, the use of visual thinking as a powerful communication and technical tool to develop creativity, and the people in vulnerable environments and their development.
If you want to see Javier and Egoitz in action, Javier will be in bilbapp the 7thand 8th of June, and at the Donostia Tech Week in San Sebastián from the 20th to the 23rd of June.
Of course, you can also find them through:
Email: infoedumotion@gmail.com
Phone: 618 90 85 63
I hope this week is being very happy.
Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.