Shaping our entrepreneurial spirit and “starting up” new actions

The last week was rather difficult and tough in a personal level but also rewarding and, I want to think, positive. My health did not accompanied me and it led to lessen my spirit and motivation a little bit, but thanks to the support of my family (which is always there, in good and bad times), my true friends and the people who worry about me, they managed to make this week worthy. Besides, being able to participate actively in the DeustoSTART training program and in the Inspirexe 2015 day, and having visited the entrepreneurs that, while it was raining, shiwed us their creations in the Sunday Market, have contributed, without any doubt, to it.



logo wimeEven now, when I think of our today’s entrepreneur, Germán Zubiaur, it comes to mind a message that I received once by one of our loyal  Ekin-It partners, Marian Alaez, Lecturer in Law at the  Universidad de Deusto. It turns out that rummaging through messages I found one I received the 10th of October of 2012, in which Marian was telling me that she found “the perfect candidate for Ekin-It”. And indeed, that was the case. In September of 2013 Germán became one of the participants in the last edition of Ekin-It. Personally, having Germán as one of the Ekin-It participants, the new generation of entrepreneurs, was, has been and will be something I will always thank not only to Marian but to Germán himself, a committed, restless person who is willing to make his dreams come true, as can be seen in  WIME. Do you want to know him a little? (more…)