When a few years ago I met the protagonist of today’s post I didn’t think I’d be writing about her one day, and it’s not that, by any means, she went unnoticed, but to be honest, her entrepreneurial facet didn’t attract my attention. But life, sometimes, connects you with people that in another moment, for some reason, didn’t. That’s what happened with her and what’s important from this story is that today I’m writing about a woman who has decided to start a new social project.

Do you want to meet her? (more…)

Do you know what Napoleon Hill said?

Napoleon Hill said that it is literally true that you can succeed better and faster by helping others to succeed. I’m not 100% sure that that was what the MET Community founder, Yanire Braña, thought when, a few years ago, she decided to create this organization. But I don’t think I’m wrong if I say that she probably agrees with me if, in addition, I tell her that success for me is the progressive realization of a dream. Thank you, José Ballesteros for defining it this way a few years ago. (more…)


logo wimeEven now, when I think of our today’s entrepreneur, Germán Zubiaur, it comes to mind a message that I received once by one of our loyal  Ekin-It partners, Marian Alaez, Lecturer in Law at the  Universidad de Deusto. It turns out that rummaging through messages I found one I received the 10th of October of 2012, in which Marian was telling me that she found “the perfect candidate for Ekin-It”. And indeed, that was the case. In September of 2013 Germán became one of the participants in the last edition of Ekin-It. Personally, having Germán as one of the Ekin-It participants, the new generation of entrepreneurs, was, has been and will be something I will always thank not only to Marian but to Germán himself, a committed, restless person who is willing to make his dreams come true, as can be seen in  WIME. Do you want to know him a little? (more…)