Another year of effort rewarded

Effort, perseverance and continuous work together with patience and insistence are, in my opinion, some of the characteristics that especially define the entrepreneurial person. Personally, I firmly believe that the E.P. has to have those characteristics very developed, maybe more than the people who don’t stand out for having an entrepreneurial spirit, and even more than those who don’t think of entrepreneurship as their personal and professional way of living.

Today I want to dedicate this post to the E.P. who, with their effort, keep showing us that, except a few cases, effort is everything you need to achieve your success, or in other words:

The progressive realization of your dream.. (more…)

Entrepreneur women who know what working hard means

Today I won’t mislead you with this post (which I’ve never done before), because the truth is that I had a GREAT desire to focus on entrepreneur women again. Those that, as one of the protagonists of today, say that when you start your business you have to know that more than the launching of successful start-ups,

“being entrepreneur means being cold in the street, because although it might be your passion, it’s not easy”. (more…)

Terai: from playing with cosmetics to looking after our outside and inside

Serenity, tranquility, relax, trust and naturality is what the protagonist of today’s post has been transmitting since I met her. I’ve been after her for a while and finally, a few days ago, we had the opportunity to talk calmly.

I encourage you to know another entrepreneurial woman who believes that permanent training and research are necessary, and who aims for the benefits of nature for our health. Of course, with a scientific base. (more…)

Surrounded by entrepreneurs.

Although I’m posting this blog post a couple of weeks later than I wanted to do, I think it’s worth doing it, especially for the E.P. and the initiatives I’m going to talk to you about. The thing is that these past weeks I’ve had the opportunity to go to Copenhagen, Denmark, to participate on the European project EIPTE. I’ve done it with 15 students of the Grade of Primary Education at the University of Deusto, and two colleagues of the same university that, like me, opt for the entrepreneurial education and the teacherpreneurs. But let’s go by parts, I’ll tell you this story later.


What about a pop-up?

More than a decade ago, in countries like the USA, with New York in the lead, or the United Kingdom, with London as one of the mirror-cities to look to, people started talking about the pop-up shops. It was a fashion concept that started being successful among prestigious chefs, big designers or new entrepreneurs who wanted to put themselves and their creations out there. It was a time when this type of shops or spaces weren’t neither that extended nor known like they can be today. In fact, last week at least three of these pop-ups were held in Bilbao. From my tour around them I take some E.P. that I want to present you. I want to take this opportunity to introduce them to you, although I hope to talk about them more closely in future posts. Will you accompany me? (more…)