If I start the song that many of us have sung as children, I’m sure you will follow it. Come on, I begin: “Alupé, alupé”, come on, do not be shy, “sentadita me quedé”. That’s what the protagonists of today’s post, Ici and Bego, thought when 11 years ago, on November 13, they decided to launch their brand, because they wanted something “catchy”. Did they succeed? Read on to give your opinion. (more…)
Tag: nature
On an expedition
A few years after participating in my first pedagogical expedition with the Princess of Girona Foundation (FPdGi), the week of November 27-30, 2023, I could fulfill my dream of “repeating” the experience, this time in Castilla-León, specifically in Valladolid and Zamora. I can assure you that actively participating in the seventh edition of the Pedagogical Expedition for teachers from all over Spain accompanied, on this occasion, by alumni of the “Generation Teachers” program has been a very good experience.
They are here: the bioducks
I’m sure you have experienced before that feeling of desire and enthusiasm to do something you really want to do. Well, that’s the feeling I have right now. Although this is not the first time I talk to you about WOP, this time I do it with even more enthusiasm, due to the news that it entails. Let me explain. (more…)
Rooral is the solution
In December of 2014, almost 6 years ago, I first wrote about the protagonist of today’s post. Today, after having been a witness of part of his entrepreneurial adventure and, what’s more important, after having his support and love, I let myself write about him again. He is, without any doubt, a real entrepreneur. His name Juan Barbed; his “job”, entrepreneur.
I don’t think I’m wrong if I say that one of Juan’s dreams has always been to help others improve their quality of life. I said it years ago and I will say it now. That’s what I call holding true to his convictions. Do you want to know what Juan is doing right now? Keep reading. (more…)

Oh, Green, how I love you!
If you have an idea based on a green perspective, you want to invest in green companies or you want to consolidate your green company, this post will be interesting for you. Today I present you a special Network, a Network that only their Facebook page has more than 55,000 likes.
News, meetings, forums, advice, training, showrooms, networking in green key at your disposal.
Would you like to know about it?