A few months ago, I told you that during the pandemic I got a gift difficult to forget. Then, I took the opportunity to present to you an initiative which I didn’t find hard to label as one of the E.P. The post I wrote was about Desafío + (Desafío más).
I hope you keep reading to see the invitation I’m making you because…
I must admit that feeling loved by Desafío + (Desafío Más or Challenge Plus) has been one of the most “beautiful” moments and one of the things that have given me more on a personal and professional level during this weird and painful year of 2020.
I’m going to tell you why, so, if you want, you only have to keep reading.
In 2018, the UN named the 21st of April the World Creativity and Innovation Day in order to promote multidisciplinary creative thinking to help us achieve the sustainable future we have to get to.
I confess that I’m lucky (as I say, I have good luck), because I work in “something” I’m passionate about (anyone who knows me knows that). Part of my working time I work with the team of the Educational Innovation Unit of the University of Deusto. We work a lot, yes, but with a privileged atmosphere. Besides, we do it in the name of innovation, what else can we ask for?
The truth is that today I thought about them (if not, I was sure that Marta Roldán was going to remind me, as she has done). But I also remembered the importance of being an innovative person these days.
As you know, I work in the educational area, and today I thought it was relevant to think especially about the innovative and entrepreneurial teachers or teacherpreneurs, as I like to call them.
So, today, the creativity and innovation day, and because I feel like it, I want to dedicate this post to teachers and students. I invite you to watch a video of Joe Ruhl (awarded with different awards in the educational area). In it, he speaks about passion, choice, innovation, inspiration, motivation, collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, listening, team, people, affection, care, 21st Century competencies, experience, change and intention. Oh, but, especially, thinking about the training of future students. Today, my clapping goes to them (teachers and students).
Would you like to watch it?
I hope you are okay, and I hope I can introduce you to an entrepreneur with a name and surname really soon. Take care of yourself and your people.
I admit that the time between this post and the last one has been longer than before. Unfortunately, sometimes life asks you to relax and calm down a little bit. It has been what has happened to me. This time, due to the lack of time to write the posts as entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship deserve I have decided to write every two weeks more or less. The most important thing is that I am here and I am back writing about what I think it is more than worthy. Hello again.
Para aquellas personas que me habéis preguntado en más de una ocasión que es eso de la P.E., aprovecho este “primer” post de vuelta de las vacaciones para refrescar estas siglas.
For those who have asked me more than once what E.P. (in Spanish) means, I’ll take this “first” post back from holidays to refresh this acronym.
In order to answer propely, I’ve been gathering the adjectives and ideas that I’ve been using in the different posts and which, from my point of view, define the E (entrepreneurial) P (person), this is, the entrepreneur. It is very important to highlight that every single entrepreneur does no have all those qualities, values or characteristics in general at the same time and/or at a high level. After all, we can’t forget that we aren’t talking about a superman or superwoman, but about people, with capital letters in my opinion: PEOPLE. (more…)
Do you know what a runner, an alpinist, a pianist and a neurologist do together in a room, surrounded by approximately 450 people, most of them between 15 and 18, coming from 7 different schools of Bilbao and surrounding area? You can think about it for a while or read this post and find it out.
The choice is yours. I can wait as much as you want.