Today will not be the first or last time I tell you about a case of social entrepreneurship. One of the main reasons why I do this is for the purpose that this kind of initiatives are looking for. If something identifies the social entrepreneurship is that, among others, it is oriented to the creation of social or environmentallly friendly value through the proposal of new challenges and opportunities that, at the same time, have an impact on society, especially in groups in social exclusion or neglected by conventional social and economic institutions.
Today I bring you an example of that: La Casa Roja. Do you want to keep reading?
In 2005, the Ugasko project was launched for “immigrant people in a situation of social exclusion, who are in an irregular situation, don’t have a job or a place to live in and have no means to get a house or a minimum of food.”
It is a project with an eminently social and supportive objective whose central axis is the immigrant person. It is a project that moves forward thanks to the work of many people and some entities that, in an altrusitic way, contribute their bit for other people to live with dignity. Among these people and entities we find the following: volunteers from the Ugasko Association, the Compañía de Jesús, students from the University of Deusto, the Bizkaia Food Bank, the Víctor Tapia-Dolores Sáez Foundation, the BBK and a group of individuals who, anonymously, also make it possible for the Ugasko project to remain alive more than 10 years after its inauguration.
It should be noted that the services offered by the Ugasko Association include the following:
- a comprehensive and personalized training that facilitates access to the labor market and an independent life of immigrants;
- work practices such as masonry, painting, electricity, plumbing or carpentry, which contribute not only to the maintenance of housing but also to the technical training of immigrants;
- familiarization with cultural and working habits, as well as with the traditions and value system of our environment.
La Casa Roja is developed in a house located in Deusto, near the University of Deusto, specifically in Camino de Ugasko, 10.
But, where does the name and the project come from?
The name of the project was chosen in 2015 by a group of students of the double degree in Administration and Business Management + Engineering in Industrial Technologies of the University of Deusto. At that moment the students were preparing their business project, their final project, and decided to name it “La Casa Roja“. There is where everything started. They had to design “the business plan of a company dedicated to repairs and small reforms that would offer a portfolio of services ranging from electricity and plumbing to gardening and cleaning services.” This is how Agurtzane, Joana and Carmelo started shaping La Casa Roja.
If you want to know a little bit more about how this entrepreneurial initiative started, I invite you to read the post written in the blog Te quiero marketing! by my partner of the University of Deusto Almudena Eizaguirre.
Today I would like to emphasize three ideas: on the one hand, the work that the Ugasko Association carries out with the immigrants; on the other hand, the social entrepreneurial initiative that, thanks to the students of the University of Deusto, has become a reality; and, finally, the fact that social and supportive entrepreneurship is also a reality in a society as competitive as ours and it seems that sometimes forgets that we are all equal and have the same rights, although not always we recognize them.
Yo hoy quisiera subrayar tres ideas: por una parte, el trabajo que la Asociación Ugasko lleva a cabo con las personas inmigrantes, por otra, la iniciativa emprendedora social que, gracias a los estudiantes de la Universidad de Deusto, se ha hecho realidad, y, finalmente, el hecho de que el emprendimiento social y solidario es, igualmente, una realidad en una sociedad tan competitiva como la nuestra y que parece que, en ocasiones, olvida que todos somos iguales y tenemos los mismos derechos, aunque no siempre se nos reconozcan.
Who are the people behind La Casa Roja?
It is a team of qualified and experienced professionals in the sector who offer a very careful service in order to achieve satisfactory results for satisfied customers. For this, they offer personalized attention and technical advice at all times.
And what is more important, La Casa Roja brings value because it is socially committed. This social commitment is reflected in the fact that from it, with the Ugasko Association as the main promoter of this idea, they are responsible of training and giving employment opportunities to immigrants as a way of social integration.
I don’t want to end the post today without listing some of the services they offer, which you can see on their website, as well as how to contact them:
Exterior paintings. Varnishing. Wallpapers. Smooth and lacquered. | Design and realization of gardens. Placement of automatic irrigation. Construction of ponds. Placement of farm closures. Pruning. Maintenance of gardens. | Placement of lamps. Replacing switches. Changes of the blades of a blind. Placement of tables, mirrors, shelves … Sets up of Ikea furniture. Replacement of furniture. Arrangement of drawers, handles, closures of cabinets. Placing heathers on balconies. |
IN ORDER TO CONTACT THEM, you can call them 608 794 312 or write them to
Request your budget without any obligation and contribute to the social and supportive entrepreneurship.
Thus the post ends, but our commitment to entrepreneurship, the people, no matter what color they are, and the common good don’t.
Happy week to all of you.
Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.