No more than 5 years ago, in July of 2009 if I am not wrong, I met the protagonist of the post of this week again. At that moment I did not imagine that that day was going to be really important in my life, not just professionally speaking but personally too. Because knowing Itziar Segovia is, without any doubt, a great opportunity. I took advantage of it when we were improving Ingenio entrepreneurship program, which I have mentioned on this blog before. Itziar was, in that moment, charge of creativity and innovation in EITB.
From my personal point of view, tziar Segovia represents many of the characteristics of an entrepreneur: she is a fighter, brave, determined , persistent, committed and she works with enthusiasm and passion because she believes in what she does. That is why she creates great contexts and scenarios, she knows that the opportunities do not appear all of a sudden and you have to make an effort and keep learning day by day. Moreover, Itziar is tenacious, creative, innovative, but above all, she is a person who is there whenever you need her and, sometimes, when you less expect it. Maybe that is because she is always focused on what she desires… Itziar, you understand me.
When we met again 5 years ago, we were looking for an expert in creativity, who controls creativity techniques and who master the theory of Edward de Bono and who knew how to put it into practice, who was an entrepreneur (not in vain, Itziar was a founder of Goien)… that was when Itziar appeared. I have never regretted having trusted on her, quite the contrary; I am more than grateful for it. Moreover, sometimes I think that I “take advantage” of her, but always in a positive way, do not worry too much Itziar.
More than once have we talked about starting an entrepreneur adventure together (that “other” thing about the entrepreneur person), and it sometimes gives us a lot to think about… because when you agree with someone in the way you understand education and training, in the competences that should be promoted more often in the compulsory and even college education of our sons and daughters, in the way of doing it, and above all, in what an entrepreneur person is, I think It is worth to keep dreaming together. And, who knows? It is better not to say “never”, because when your dreams are active and you would like to make them come true it is better to be patient and keep doing. What I can tell you is that next July Itziar, Miryam Artola and I will take part in a wonderful programme call Haurpreneurs that is directed to children from 8 to 12. Our goal is clear: to promote and encourage the children entrepreneurial spirit. A great pleasure. I am sure that we will leep learning from one another while we do what we like.
Today I woul like to finish this post with a great speaker as well as a doctor and a specialist in general surgery and the digestive system. I am talking about Mario Alonso. The following video lasts more than an hour, but in my opinion, it summarizes the characteristics of an entrepreneur person, at least, the ones I consider the most important ones. It is worth seeing it as you will find out that you may be whatever you want. At leat, I could spend hours and hours talking to him.
Enjoy this special bank holydays.
Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.