International Women’s Day, Are you ready?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe 8th of March of 2015 we celebrated the International Women’s Day. According to the United Nations “this year’s theme, “Empowering Women – Empowering Humanity: Picture It!” envisions a world where each woman and girl can exercise her choices, such as participating in politics, getting an education, having an income, and living in societies free from violence and discrimination. In 2015, International Women’s Day will highlight the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a historic roadmap signed by 189 governments 20 years ago that sets the agenda for realizing women’s rights”. That is one of the reasons why the last 8th of March we started celebrating a special day, a day which has a WOMAN name, a woman who is ENTREPRENEUR, brave, committed, determined, inspired, passionate, dreamer and eagered.   Do you know anyone like that?

I know some women like those ones. I will start my list with the woman I wanted to talk today. She is Itziar Segovia. Itziar, if you do not mind, I will dedicate this post (that you without any doubt deserve) to a bunch of entrepreneur women. I am sure that you know some of them. The only thing that I need in order to talk about them and about their work is time.


I am sure that you will miss some women, that is why I will start the list of women and I challenge you to follow it.  In any case, I will like to apologize because there are lot of women that will not be in this list but shoud be.

1. Mary Karmen Gómez. Not everybody know her, but I have the previlege to know her; to share her fight to do the things properly, too properly (always grazing the perfectionism – not always good, indeed-); to be persistence (although it is tough); to share with her her hopes; to  see how she makes efforts; to do all she is able to in order to maintain her family together (I will never be like her); to know and share her temperament; to suffer like she does (it is not easy to overcome the daily pain and grief); because Mary Karmen (I know that she is not the only one but she is unique) is my MUMMY. Are you asking if she is an entrepreneur… I do not think that anyone could think the opposite but if anybody does, what could I do? It is my word against his/her.  She is a mum, and as a mum she is, she will always act as that. Although this woman is the second of the list I am proposing, with the permission of Itziar, I will consider the first one. That is why, mummy, I consider you as an example of all the other mothers that exist in the world; the mothers who decades ago used to fight everyday and nowadays keep doing it.

2. Women I am delighted to work with at the University of Deusto (the list is too large so I am going to name only some of them): Elena Auzmendi, Elena Quevedo, Lorena Fernández, Miriam Portell Torres or Garbiñe Henry.

3. Women I have been working (and I am working) with thanks to entrepreneurial programmes like Ingenio, Ekin-It and Haurpreneurs – thank you also to those people who make it come true – beacause it means a lot to me, more than just a simple meeting: Miryam Artola DendaluceJanire Gordon, Garazi Azanza,  Ana GeteAngela Encinar, Isabel Fernández, Irache Atxa, Izaskun Angulo, Nerea Saenz BilbaoJone ZubiagaNora BusturiaNoelia San EmeterioVerena HetzmannsederLeire Pérez, Azul Tejerina, Estibaliz LeónPilar Angulo and, of course, all the women that took part in Ingenio and Ekin-It – her positive and willingly attitude, her desire to improve and reach her dreams and start new projects, as well as their words of support that have been essential for my personal and professional development.

4. Women who share with me her desires and dreams, women who are part of EmakumeEkin, PWN, Metcommunity , WOP; women who once I met thanks to the social networks and, finally, wome who work for the entrepreneurism (thanks to those who have believe in me even almost without knowing me): Yanire BrañaVirginia GómezMagdalena ItuarteAinhoa BolsicoRuth GuerreroPilar MorquillasSusana ZaballaMarian Eguskiza SusoMaría Rubio Zavala, Leire Malda, MentxuBegoña San Martin EchaurriBeatriz Arraibi, Arantza Saez de OkarizBlanca AlarciaAne AguirreLeire Bilbao, Anaska CórdobaMontse Fernandez HernandoAida Aguirre del Río, Ainhoa GardeMentxu BaldazoRosa Urtub or Amaia Agirre.

5. Women who are already part of this blog because they deserve it.

I know that there are a lot of women that I have not mentioned above. I am sure about it because some of them have shared with me her ideas, fears and happy moments, other are still working with me side by side and others will soon do. That is the best part of it.

The next post will be dedicated to Itziar Segovia and the next one to… would you like to decide it? It is up to you. You only have to propose the entrepreneur person.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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