EntreComp Champion (English version)

The EntreComp Community

Last November 22nd I participated in the Being Entrepreneurial 2022 Day, held in Brussels, thanks to the EntreComp Community initiative of the European Commission and led by Bantani Education. Personally, it was, without a doubt, a very special day, do you want to know why? Keep reading.

First of all, throughout the day, from the first welcome coffee, I had the opportunity to share vital moments with prominent people from European institutions and entities that, since its design and launch in 2016, have been promoting the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp).

The aim of the conference was none other than to promote interaction and knowledge exchange between the different agents that met that day.

The intense international day was marked by the conferences, talks, round tables, and interactive workshops on entrepreneurship in the different sectors of lifelong learning that took place, as well as the scheduled networking moments. You can access some of the official photos of the event here. The main topics of the event were digitalization and the ecological transition, gender equality, and social innovation.

In addition to everything I learned and took away from the different interventions, I had the chance to share the teaching and research work that I have been doing at the University of Deusto for more than 15 years. I discovered entrepreneurship very late (well, maybe not so late) but I recognize that it has given me a lot of satisfaction.

The event ended with the award ceremony of the first edition of the EntreComp Awards, an initiative whose purpose is to support the implementation of EntreComp through the EntreComp Community. These awards aim to distinguish and give visibility to European individuals and organizations that, inspired by EntreComp, are driving forward the entrepreneurial competences set by the European Union, and/or transforming policy and practice across Europe.

The EntreComp Community

In this first edition, 11 European institutions have been awarded the highest award (Champion), only two of them Spanish: Junta de Extremadura and Centro Internacional Santander Emprendimiento (CISE). On the other hand, it is an honor for me to inform you that among the winners (people) in this category, only three of us are Spanish. I suppose that those of you who know me and those of you who follow me can imagine the satisfaction I felt when Elin McCallum, director, and promoter of EntreCompEdu, pronounced my name. I am thrilled to receive recognition in this category, but even more thrilled to be surrounded by academics of the stature of Andy Penaluna, Jaana Seikkula-Leino, or Daniele Morselli, whom I have been following for many years.

Here is my personal summary of the event using visual thinking.

Today I would like to give special thanks to Bantani Education, to the jury that has considered me worthy of such recognition (you should know that it has been a demanding jury and has received a triple assessment), and, in particular, to the Faculty of Education and Sport of the University of Deusto, which trusts me and allows me to apply EntreComp, to the eDucaR team to which I belong, which from the beginning has considered entrepreneurship one of its lines of research and has not hindered the development of this line, and to the Teaching Innovation Unit, for its commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship in our teaching activities, some of which have allowed me to continue to deepen my knowledge of entrepreneurship.

Finally, I could not fail to thank the figure of Teacherpreneur, who has been with me for some years now, and each and every one of you who read this blog and who support me unconditionally.

Enjoy the last few weeks of this year, as 2023 is just around the corner.

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