Do you know Greta Thunberg?

I do not know if you have ever heard about Alba Pérez, Alba Granado or Amaia Gil Salvador, but what about Greta Thunberg? What if I tell you that Greta is the name of a 15-year-old Swedish girl, does it sound more familiar? Let me go further, Friday, the 20th of August 2018, Stockholm Parliament, now?

Today the post is about Greta and the social movement that she launched thanks to her determination, responsibility, perseverance and climate and environmental awareness. This is where the Fridays for Future post starts.

When Greta Thunberg was in front of the Swedish parliament in August of 2018, she probably didn’t think that shortly after many teenagers and young students would be following her steps. But that’s what happened. Today I’m writing this post thanks to her.

Then (I remind you that it hasn’t even been a year), Greta “mobilized” to protest against the lack of action regarding the climate crisis and more precisely the carbon emissions. Her way of fighting against it was to start a strike at school. That was only the beginning, because after the 9th of September, Swedish election day, Greta started rallying every Friday. She was followed by young students from all over the world. According to some information, since December of 2018, more than 20.000 students have participated in the protests in more than 270 cities in different countries. As could not be otherwise, the movement arrived to Spain and also to Bilbao.

I encourage you to listen to what Greta said on the 4th of December 2018 in front of the UN Climate Summit (COP24), which took place in Katowice, Poland. That moment was a huge international launch.

Another great moment was the 15th of March of 2019. Then it took place the protest that made many cities of the world full of people. The goal, the initial one, was to make awareness of the climate change crisis and the global warming, and to call for urgent measurements because nothing is achieved just by thinking or giving ideas. It is necessary to ACT. That is one of the principles of the E.P. Greta, Alba Pérez, Alba Granado and Amaia Gil Salvador, with ages between 18 and 22, are a great example of a new generation of E.P., ready to fight and make sacrifices for what matters to them (and what should matter to us), willing to be “a part of something” and to meet others to debate, discuss, think and see what possibilities they have to do something against this crisis situation we are living. Because, as Greta affirms:

“You are never too young to make a diferen

In Bilbao, Alba Pérez and Alba Granado took the helm of Guillermo Sabas and Agata, and to this day they have already given a few steps.

I dedicate this post to them with the idea of paving the way they have started, because every help they can get is welcome, especially in the beginning.

More than 600 people (the majority young people) joined the protest of the 15th of March. Nowadays in Bilbao the Fridays for Future movement has some ambassadors that are doing everything they can to continue with this more than necessary fight for the humanity. We just have to turn the TV or the radio on and listen to the news, open the newspaper and read the same news, or even navigate social media and see again some news that, even though we sometimes don’t read them because “they don’t affect us”, they do, and quite a lot.

I encourage you to follow this new generation of E.P. that is emerging, either on their twitterInstagram or their recent web page. At this moment their necessities are: to support them offering them contacts to keep moving forward in the implementation of action or names of people with experience who can help define their strategy; is that your case? I’m sure that the help you can give them will be very welcome.

Oh, and if you want to give them visibility, you can use the following hashtag: #FridaysForFuture,  #Fridays4future, #fff

If you are already on vacation, enjoy them to the fullest, and if you are about to start them, hang on a little more.

Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.

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