Welcome, once again, to this space about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs where I go back to after summer holidays. A moment that has served me to, mainly, disconnect from almost everything and clarify my ideas, those that we think about more than we should. Now, I would be lying if I told you that I have put aside my entrepreneurship chip. I admit that it hasn’t been possible and that more than one E.P. has walked by me during this month of August.
I invite you to this new post-vacation post, which will help us as a starting point of a new course that I hope it is successful for E.P. and actions related to entrepreneurship.
Today I want to present you an event that will take place on October 4th in Bilbao in hand of Init Land. It is the COORDINADAS – 1st entrepreneurship day and empowerment of women.
But let’s start from the beginning.
What is Init Land?
Init Land is “an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem that develops its activity through incubation, consulting and development of projects”.
Each day, from Init Land are monitoring more than 50 business initiatives (startups) located in the facilities they have in Bilbao and Zaragoza. In addition, they provide services of innovation and intraentrepreneurship to businesses located in Madrid and Barcelona, which allow them to have presence in those cities that have a higher percentage of national business fabric and new international markets such as Panamá.
Init Land offers different coworking spaces and offices so entrepreneurs can develop their projects, as well as a Init Land Business Acceleration Program, different educational pills and the possibility of taking part in many activities and events of the center itself.
In the case of the mature organizations and businesses, Init Land offers consulting services in innovation and intraentrepreneurship.
Init Land Bilbao is an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center relatively new located in Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF), an urban ecosystem of learning, innovation and entrepreneurship powered by Mondragon University and the Init Group.
The point is that at the end of August Arantza Saez de Okariz, coordinator of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Init Land Bilbao and colleague at Emakumeekin, got in touch with me to inform and invite me to COORDINADAS – 1st entrepreneurship day and empowerment of women. Her goal is to boost the visibility, empowerment and leadership of women in the entrepreneurship and business and emerges with the vocation of:
- Creating new professional networks for entrepreneurial, executive and working women.
- Encouraging the empowerment of women in their businessess where they work.
- Becoming the forum of reference to promote equality in the workplace and improve the situation and opportunities of women in entrepreneurship and in the business world.
I will be at the event, because it has all the necessary ingredients to make it so tempting.
If you are interested in participating in any way and you can, you will find more information about the event and you’ll be able to register on it on these links: 1 and 2.
Have a nice week.
Translated by María Ubierna Quintanilla and supervised by Arantza Arruti.